25. Spinner's Gonna Kill Toby

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             Mickey walked to school with Jimmy, Spinner, Paige, and Hazel. The girls were talking about a retro roller skating party Piage was having, which she invited Mickey to. "It's all about the tight satin shorts if you ask me," Hazel said.

"Ooh, tight satin shorts. We're there." Jimmy said, high-fiving Spinner. Mickey elbowed Spinner lightly in the side

"Ow," he said

"Sorry, accident," Mickey said, smiling back at him. Jimmy gave the pair a strange look.

"Then pencil it in, boys. Retro roller skating party." Paige said, getting back everyone's attention.

"Retro roller skating party? That sounds cool." Ashley said, walking up with Terri.

"Funny how something is cool one year, and so totally uncool the next. Kinda like people," Paige said to Ashley.

"I get it, Paige. You don't have to invite me to your dumb party." Ashley said, 

"Oh, but I was hoping you could take drugs, act like a total freak, and destroy everything," Paige said sarcastically "Oh, wait. You did that last year." Paige turned and entered the school with Hazel, Mickey, and the boys following after them.

            After class Mickey, Emma, JT, Toby, and Manny walked down the Hallway. Toby spotted an anime poster and turned to JT "Man, I can't believe how many sites are devoted to anime." He said, excitedly. 

"Not this again," JT sighed,

"JT, anime is the biggest development in animation in years," Toby said 

"And I really don't care. And I think it's for geeks." JT said

"Anime is actually very current," Emma said

"See? She knows about anime. Who's your favorite character? Ashuhara?" Toby asked Emma. 

"I said I know about it, I didn't say I liked it," Emma said back.

"See?" JT said

"Toby, girls aren't into that stuff," Manny said, has she spotted Craig.  "Hey, Craig!" Manny and Emma walked over to Craig.

"You see Toby? That's what girls are into," JT said to Toby. 

"It's sure not me. I may be the first Jewish monk." Toby said.

"Aw, Toby you'll find a girl someday, and till then you have JT," Mickey said to Toby, before leaving the boys and walking over to Emma, Manny, and Craig.

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