30. Toby the Wrestler

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           Mickey sat in her homeroom class leaning back in her chair, chipping away at the nail polish on her fingernails as she watched Liberty on the announcements. "Congratulations to Toby Isaacs and the rest of the computer programming team. Thanks to them, Degrassi placed third in the regionals," Liberty announced.

"Nice work, Toby," Ms. Kwan said, clapping. The rest of the class clapped politely along with her.

"That's it?" Toby said, sadly hoping he would get more of that congratulation.

"What did you except Tobs, A marching band," Mickey joked, from her seat next to Toby.

"Yeah, Nascar's exciting. Britney in a hot tub, that's exciting. Third place in some geek contest... no," JT said, making Emma, Mickey and Manny laugh.

"In sports, for all boys interested in the wrestling team, there's a meeting after school in the gym. Speaking of wrestling, last year's champion, Sean Cameron, has been named this month's overall sports MVP by the students,"

"That's fantastic Sean," Ms. Kwan said, and the class clapped, far more enthusiastically than when they clapped for Toby.

"Nice to be him," Toby commented, laying his head on his desk. "Forget it. Just forget it," Mickey rolled her eyes at her friend's mopiness as she turned back to what Liberty was saying on the screen.

          "This is deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA and DNA makes up your genes. Take one and pass them back," Ms.Hatzilakos said, in science class handing a stack of papers to Toby, who took one and turned to hand them to Mickey who sat behind him.

"You done sulking?" JT asked as Toby turned around.

"I'm not," Toby said, "I just expected something, some kind of reaction,"

"What did you expect?" Mickey said, "the people here don't really care about that kind of thing,"

"Was it something like this," JT started jokingly speaking in a girly voice, "Oh, Toby. I just love a man who can write binary code," Mickey laughed.

"Don't be mean, he'll find that girl someday, it just probably won't be till college," Mickey said.

"Mickey. Boys, want to share with the class?" Ms. Hatzilakos said, getting the three kids' attention.

"I was just wondering if everything about us was decided by DNA," Toby asked, turning to face their teacher.

"Some things, like your eye colour. But there are other things about us that we have the power to change," She explained, as the bell rang. Everyone got up to leave. "Remember to bring back these diagrams for tomorrow's class,"

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