22. Paige's got a date with JT

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            Mickey sat with Hazel, Paige, and Spinner the next day in the cafeteria, The four of them going over the details for the bet. Mickey still wasn't excited about any of this and she planned to tell JT about the bet just as soon as she could. "It's gotta be a real date, like a dinner and a movie date," Hazel said.

"No way," Paige complained.

"Yes, way. We want value for our entertainment dollar. Besides we're not the ones with the mullet," Spinner said. Paige sighed, but got up and walked over to where JT and Toby were.

"Oh, JT," she said, calling over to him.

"Uh, hey, Paige. To what do we owe this pleasure? This honor? This uh... " JT trailed off unable to think of any more synonyms.

"I just wanted to apologize... for the other day when you asked me out. Sorry." Paige said

"Oh, okay," JT said

"Movie and a bite. Your treat."

"Really? Great." JT said, happily. Mickey felt bad, seeing JT so happy, but knowing Paige was only going out with him for 30 bucks.

"Tonight, the mall, 5 P.M. sharp," Paige said, walking back over towards Hazel, Spinner, and Mickey, Leaving both boys totally shocked. Mickey felt so bad she decided she was going to tell him, right now.

Mickey approached the two boys, "Hey guys," she said.

"Mickey did you see that, Paige agreed to go on a date with me," JT said, happily to the girl.

"Yeah, about that-" Mickey started but JT cut her off.

"It's great, why are you jealous," JT said, wiggling his eyebrows "Because you're not my type," Mickey rolled her eyes.

"You're not my type either, I like guys that are actually good-looking," Mickey shot back, making Toby laugh.

"Whatever," JT muttered "I have a date with Paige and you're dateless, so who here is winning,"

"I'm not dateless," Mickey said, starting to get upset, "I have a boyfriend,". JT starting laughing well Toby looked slightly upset

"Yeah, right, like you could get a boyfriend," JT laughed, as the two boys left, not giving Mickey a chance to tell him his date with Paige was just a bet, although now that he thinks she couldn't get a boyfriend made her so mad she wasn't going to tell him.

           Mickey headed outside and walked over to the basketball court where she saw Sean and Craig shooting hoops. Mickey walked over to the fence and watched the boys play. "Hey Mickey," Craig said, getting the ball and scoring a goal. Sean nodded towards Mickey, then turned to Craig.

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