i. Emma's Internet Boy

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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞.
s𝟶𝟷ᴇ𝟶𝟷 - ᴍᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴀɴᴅ ᴄʜɪʟᴅ ʀᴇᴜɴɪᴏɴ ᴘᴛ.𝟷


           A twelve-year-old girl, Emma Nelson sat staring at her computer. "Read it again Manny," She said dreamily to the brown-haired girl that sat next to her. A third girl lay on Emma's bed on her stomach, watching her two best friends.

"Again? She's read it six times already" The Girl on the Bed, Mikayla 'Mickey' Lopez said, rolling her eyes at her friend.

"Mickey's right," Manuella 'Manny' Santos said, looking over to the girl on the bed.

"Just one more time?" Emma asked looking between the two girls, "Please"

"Fine," Mickey said rolling off the bed "But, I'll read it this time,"

"Ok," Manny said, scooting over so Mickey could stand between the two.

"Emma, you saved my heart and my project," Mickey started to read, lowering her voice to mock that of a boy. Emma elbowed her in the side "Fine," Mickey said reading it in her normal voice. "If we protect the wildlife refuge, I owe it all to you. Love you, Jordan."

"Love you. Love you." Emma repeated. She and Manny squealed in delight, making Mickey cover her ears. "Let me see his picture again."

Emma leaned in front of Mickey grabbed the computer mouse and scrolled down the screen to see a photo of a cute brunet boy in several pictures. "He gets cuter every time we see his face."

"Is that possible?" Manny asked, picking up a magazine from the table and starting to bend it mindlessly.

"Hey, Manny. Don't wreck that."Emma said, noticing the magazine Manny was holding, she took it from Manny flattening it on her desk "I want Caitlin to autograph it." The woman on the cover was Caitlin Ryan, the host of an environmental television program and Emma's mother's old friend.

          "Emma! Ready to go?" Emma's mother, Christine called up to the girls, as the three of them, along with their friend J.T Yorkes had agreed to help take some boxes to Degrassi for Christine's ten-year reunion.

"Just a minute," Emma called back to her mom.

"We don't have a minute. J.T.'s waiting for us." Her mother called back, heading up the stairs to Emma's room. Hearing her mom coming, Emma minimizes her email from Jordan, struggling to close it.

Nervousness grew on the three girl's faces as Emma's mom entered the room "Em, your room's a disaster. I thought you were going to clean it up."

"I will," Emma said

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