7. Let's Dance

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           After school, Mickey went over to Emma's to get ready for the dance together, and then Emma's mom dropped the pair off at the school. "Call me when you want me to pick you up. You sure you're okay going in there alone?" Emma's mom called after Emma as the girl climbed out of the car and up towards the school

"I'm fine," Emma said turning back to her mom

"Okay. Good luck. But, do not walk home alone." Ms. Nelson said. Kids entering the school around then hearing and laughing.

"Mom... please," Emma said to her Mom, before grabbing Mickey's arm and dragging her into the school.

The two girls joined the line of Kids playing to enter the dance. Liberty and Ashley at the table arguing and holding up the line. "Your signs were blah." Liberty was saying to Ashley as the two were fighting over a poster.

"Now you can't even read them. They're too covered in glitters, squiggles, and sparkles." Ashley fired back. Sean fed up with waiting, walked to the front of the line, placed five dollars on the table, and entered the gym. Seeing Sean just walk up Mickey stepped towards Ashley holding out her five-dollar bill, Emma doing the same.

"It's called marketing," Liberty said

"It's called messy," Ashley said, then she turned to Mickey and Emma "$5.00, please. It goes towards the Degrassi Community Food Bank, though you wouldn't know that from the sign."

Ashley took Emma and Mickey's money, and they entered the dance. The first person they came across being Spinner and Jimmy. "Hey! It's little Miss Big Mouth and look she's got a heart on." Spinner said to Emma. Jimmy laughed and high fived Spinner, well Mickey rolled her eyes.

"Good one, Gavin," She said following Emma towards the snacks. "Don't listen to him, He's cute but an idiot,"

"The idiot part is right," Emma said. Mickey and Emma grabbed some food. Emma went and stood on the side of the room, but Mickey stayed to grab a pop.

"Can I get in here to grab a drink," she asked, slipping around Paige and Terri. Paige moved out of her way, so she could grab her pop.

"Hey. I thought you weren't coming." Spinner said walking over to the snack table and addressing Terri.

"Oh, you know, I changed my mind," Terri said, strangely, almost as if she were drunk

"Cool." Spinner said

"Hi, Spinner," Paige said, trying to get all Spinner's attention on her.

"Hi." He said to Paige and turned back to Terri "Uh, Terri, you look, wow." Terri looked past Spinner to see Ashley walking towards them.

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