~1 Month Later~

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~Adinas' POV~

It's been a month since I got out of the hospital, since then things have been great, I'm completely healed with just a small scar. As far as Chibs and I go we're doing great, we're happy and I can honestly say that I love him, he's amazing. I sighed, getting out of bed, looking through the closet for something to wear, however I smiled as I finally found exactly what I wanted. First I decided to do my make-up and hair, I went down to the bathroom, getting out my make-up bag and starting my make-up. I put my bright colored hair up in a messy, yet cute, and comfortable bun with strands hanging loose. I then started on my make-up, I decided to do a thick layer of black eyeliner with a red and glitter black smokey eye shadow. I finished it with a dark red matte lipstick, when all of my make-up was done I went back to the bedroom getting dressed. I pulled on a long sleeved black crop top that has two bow ties down the front before pulling on my light wash ripped skinny jeans. I pulled on my ankle high burgundy high heeled boots quickly tying them before slipping into my jacket. 

I smiled going to the kitchen seeing Chibs sitting at the island, he looked up giving me a small smile

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I smiled going to the kitchen seeing Chibs sitting at the island, he looked up giving me a small smile.

"Well ye look lovely today lass, wha's the occasion?"

I shrugged a bit.

"Just wanted to look nice, what are we doing today?"

"It's Sunday so I wanna go for a ride, ye wanna come with me?"

I smiled nodding my head.

"Yeah, that would be nice, where did you want to go?"

"I wan' te show ye somethin, ye mind ridin with me?"

"No I don't mind, but where are we going?"

He chuckled standing up coming over and kissing my cheek.

"It's a surprise lass, don' worry, ye'll like it."

"Alright, fine."

He smiled a bit taking my hand leading me out to his bike, I pulled on my helmet before hopping on behind him. We were riding for quite a while, when he finally stopped he pulled into a random lot and I gave him a confused look.

"Chibs where are we?"

"Jus' come with me."

I sighed nodding my head as he took my hand walking me up this hill, I shook my head hoping that this is worth it because my heels are sinking. However when we got to the top I completely forgot all of that as I looked at the view before me, and I couldn't help but smile in awe. In front of me was a clear view of a crystal blue ocean with waves rolling up onto the beach, the sky was as clear as clear gets with little to no clouds. 

It was beautiful, I looked over at Chibs and all I could do was smile before kissing his cheek, he smiled pulling me into his side

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It was beautiful, I looked over at Chibs and all I could do was smile before kissing his cheek, he smiled pulling me into his side. We soon sat down and I rested my head on his shoulder as we sat there in companionable silence. However Chibs had another idea as I felt him shift a bit before he made me stand up, he got on one knee and I looked at him like he was crazy. As he fished through the inside pocket of his cutt before pulling out a ring, this ring was gorgeously badass. It was a sterling silver ring with a dark gray skull that had diamonds in its eyes, and it honestly looked like it was wearing a silver crown matching the band.

 It was a sterling silver ring with a dark gray skull that had diamonds in its eyes, and it honestly looked like it was wearing a silver crown matching the band

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"Adina, I know we haven' talked 'bout this much, and when we did ye freaked out runnin away from me. However I love ye, and I wan' te spend the rest of my life with ye, I've never been good at this whole romance thing, but I wan' te change tha'. So with tha' will ye Adina Belle Write become my ol' lady, will ye get my crow, and never leave my side?"

I looked at him with tears in my eyes before nodding my head.

"Yes, yes I will be your ol' lady."

He smiled, slipping the ring onto my finger before standing up, he wrapped his arms around my waist, lifting my feet from my ground as he held me close. When my feet touched the ground, we pulled away a bit before his lips crashed to mine, I smiled into the kiss before pulling away. I smiled leaning my forehead against his as we stood there just looking into each other's eyes, I sighed before pulling away.

"So who do you want to tell first?"

"Kerri, we tell anyone befur 'er, she'll kick both our asses."

I laughed, nodding my head.

"You're right, but right after that we should go to the club, just because we didn't plan on partying doesn't mean they're not."

"I know, trust me I know."

I smiled.

"We could always tell them all together, call Kerri, have her meet us at the club."

He sighed nodding his head.

"Alrigh', I'm goin te call 'er, meet ye at the bike?"

"Yeah, okay."

With that he pulled out his phone calling Kerri, while I went over standing by the bike, when he finally reached me he gave me a kiss before we pulled on our helmets. I hopped on behind him as we made our way to the club hoping for the excitement of the whole club. I smiled as we pulled into the lot and we took off our helmets leaving them on the bike seat before walking into the club. Everyone turned looking at us with expectant looks, and I looked at Chibs giving him a smile before looking back at everyone holding my hand up to show everyone my ring.

"We're getting married."

All of the women screamed running over giving me hugs, while the guys came over giving Chibs a pat on the back. When everyone pulled away, that's when the real fun started, the music blared, I went over to the bar with Kerri, Gemma, and the rest of the ol' ladies as we talked about the wedding. I looked over seeing Chibs hand Happy a piece of paper and knew that more than likely it was the design for my crow. However I knew that I wouldn't be getting that till after the wedding, the last thing I need is to be branded and then have something happen with the wedding. When the night ended Chibs and I went out to his bike pulling on our helmets before heading home while Kerri stayed at the club. As we pulled into the garage I removed my helmet getting off the bike as Chibs did the same, I put my helmet with my bike before walking into the house. Chibs and I changed our clothes before crawling into bed, he wrapped his arm around my waist holding me close. I rolled over cuddling into his chest as he placed a kiss on the top of my head, I smiled looking up a bit giving him a small kiss before pulling away.

"I love you Chibs, good night."

"I love ye te lass, good nigh', I can' wait te make ye my wife."

I smiled as we fell into a peaceful love filled sleep knowing that come tomorrow Gemma will put me on paid leave from the shop so we can start planning. Luckily she's letting me continue my work behind the bar, otherwise I fear I would go insane.

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