~2 Days Later~

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~Adinas' POV~

It's been two days since Tig and I talked about having kids, and the possibility of us getting married, if I'm being honest the only thing I know is that I want him. I want a life with him, I don't care if we have a kid, or if we get married as long as we're together I'm happy. I'll give him anything he wants, because I fell in love with him a long time ago and it was the greatest thing that ever could've happened to me. Not only did he save me when I lost Chibs, but he saved my kids, and I know I'll never be able to repay him for any of this. All I know is that I love him and I don't want to lose him, I gained a best friend and lover all in one meeting. Over the past two days I've been thinking, and I want to do this, I want to have a kid with him, I want to marry him. So after the kids go to bed I plan on talking to him, however I know that the first step is actually getting out of bed. I sighed getting out of bed and looking through my closet for something I can wear under my bibs. Since Chibs passed I've been taking his shifts until Gemma can find a decent person to take his place in the shop. That or until someone new gets inducted into the club, however until that happens I don't mind pulling the extra weight. It just means more money for me to use to take care of the kids, and pay the bills, which is honestly needed, can't be all bad right? I smiled as I finally found the clothes I was looking for, I put my hair up in a very messy ponytail not really wanting to do my make-up. I pulled on an old SAMCRO t-shirt, and a pair of low rise distressed jeans, I tucked in my shirt before sitting on the bed pulling on some knee high socks and combat boots. I pulled my jeans over my boots looking in the mirror letting out a small sigh before shaking my head. 

I know today's going to be a long day, and tonight is probably going to feel even longer, I guess all I can do at this point is hope for the best

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I know today's going to be a long day, and tonight is probably going to feel even longer, I guess all I can do at this point is hope for the best. I went downstairs to see the kids, Vi is getting ready for her first day of kindergarten tomorrow, and then Neeta will just have Fin. I went to the fridge grabbing a bottle of water before turning to Vi, she gave me a small smile before looking down.

"You ready to start school tomorrow?"

She sighed, giving me a small smile before shaking her head.

"No' really, I'm kind of worried, wha' if the other kids don' like me? Wha' if they tease me fur my accent? Plus wha' am I goin te do when it comes te field trips? Ye can' take off work till they find someone te cover the shop, I don' wan' ye te have te worry 'bout me."

"Vi I'm always going to worry about you, and as far as field trips go if you want me there I will be, I'll go with you to museums, zoos, whatever you want. You don't have to worry about any of that, I promise you that nothing, not even work will stop me."

She smiled giving me a hug, luckily I got all of her school shopping done weeks ago, I just hope that she's okay. We pulled away and I leaned down placing a kiss on her head before looking over seeing Tig carrying Fin into the kitchen. I gave him a small smile before he came over kissing my cheek, I looked out the window seeing Neeta finally pull into the driveway. I had Vi go get her bag and smiled as Tig handed Fin and his things to me, I walked outside getting Fin situated. I set his bag on the floor, looking back at the house seeing Vi coming out, she ran to the car and I took her bag. She got herself situated and I put the bag on the floor in front of her before leaning over kissing her forehead.

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