~13 Years Later~

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~Adinas' POV~

It's been thirteen years since Tig and I got married, and since then not much has changed, he and I never did have a baby. We were both too scared because of my age, we didn't want to risk something happening, hell he just got me, he didn't want to lose me. I of all people understand that, however today's not about any of that, today Violet is graduating from high school. She's going to be the first female member of the club, they're changing their name and everything. I always said that I didn't want my kids to be a part of the club, but I know now that I was wrong, this club is a family. They'll be safer here than they ever will be leading normal lives, and I'm so happy for my little girl. Tig let me sneak me a peak at her patch and I couldn't help the tears that came to my eyes as I read the words 'The Scotts Girl'. I couldn't help but chuckle knowing that she'll more than likely have the same reaction I did. Fin is now fifteen, and a sophomore in high school, he has two years left before he joins the club with his sister. I got out of bed going downstairs making my flower from the stars, her favorite breakfast of toast, pancakes with a small cup of fruit, and a small glass of cran-apple juice. I put it on a carry try that we use when they're sick going up to her room, I smiled as she sat up from reading her book. Like me she loves to read, and she has glasses that make her look very studious, she smiled setting her book down.

"Ma? Wha' did ye do? Ye know ye didn' have te do all of this fur me."

"I know but I wanted to, besides today's a big day, you're graduating and getting your patch, you need to eat."

She pulled her pillow from the other side of her bed propping it up behind her so she could eat while I went to the closet pulling out her graduation dress, and shoes. I know we'll have to stop back here to change before we head to the club so I went ahead giving her an old outfit of mine. I knew that it'll suit her well and I knew that she would be more than happy to wear something of mine. She watched as I laid the clothes on her dresser, before giving me a confused look, all I could do was smile.

"They were mine, now they're yours, the club will get a kick out of you looking just like your mom."

"Yeah especially since we both have blue hair."

"Yeah, the rest is all your dad, I mean aside from the fact that you got my amazing rack, and fine ass."

She laughed, shaking her head almost spitting her juice.

"Shite ma, I better hope the club ge's some new recruits otherwise I migh' as well kiss my arse goodbye."

"You're never going to lose that ass, that's called the Adina Moore ass, I've had it since the day I was born baby, and so have you."

She laughed, shaking her head.

"Alrigh' ma, I love ye, I'm goin te finish eatin ye should go ge' ready I'll come ge' ye when I'm ready fur ye te help me wit' my hair."

"Okay, I love you."

She smiled.

"I love ye te ma."

With that I left her so I could go get myself ready, I went across the hall to my room laying out my clothes before going to do my hair and make-up. I took my long waist length layered hair curling it into loose curls, my hair is a change I'm happy I made. The top of my hair roots and all is a white pale bluish color, leading into a darker gray, and ending in a dark blackish blue. For my eyes I did a thick layer of black eye liner and mascara before doing a silver liner over the top of my eyelids finishing with a black to white smokey eye-shadow. I finished my make-up with a dark burgundy red metallic lipstick, I looked down at my nails seeing the matte black nails with blood dripping and a skeleton on my middle finger. I caught sight of my ring and couldn't help the memories that flooded my mind, however I didn't have time for that. I went to the bedroom pulling on my long sleeved floor length black dress that was low cut, and had two slips stopping at my hips. I fixed my necklace that stopped in the middle of my chest, I slipped into my shin high lace up high heels. 

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