~My Husbands Family~

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~Adinas' POV~

I was woken up by Chibs slightly moving to stretch, before lightly shaking my shoulders causing me to groan before sitting up and looking at Chibs.

"What's going on?"

He gave me a small smile.

"We're goin te be landin soon, so I wan'ed te wake ye up make sure ye're ready te ride out."

"Oh, alright, yeah I'm ready whenever the plane lands."

He nodded his head and I sighed, shaking my head.

"Are you sure your family even wants to meet me? I mean what if they don't like me? I'm not always the nicest, or even the easiest person to be around."

"They'll love ye, it's only my sister and nephew, my nephew will love yer looks, my sister will love yer attitude and how ye carry yerself trust me alrigh'."

I smiled nodding my head.

"Alright, I love you, and I trust you, I'm just nervous is all."

"Ye have no reason te worry lass."

I laughed, shaking my head.

"I think I do, and I'm not just meeting your family, I know I'm also going to be meeting the Sambel charter."

He gave me a confused look.

"How do ye know tha'?"

"I overheard you talking to Jax, he said it would cause problems with Jimmy if you didn't meet up with them at least once while we're here."

"Ye know ye really shouldn' be listenin te those kinda thin's, I wasn' even gonna have ye go wit' me."

I looked at him shaking my head.

"So wait you were going to leave me in a house with people I don't know, instead of taking me with you to meet people that are a part of the club? Instead of taking me with you to meet people who might come to visit us? You know how stupid that sounds, plus add the fact that this is where your ex wife and Jimmy live, you're not going anywhere without me. So do me a favor, if you go somewhere you take me otherwise I'll just follow you and I won't be happy. Please don't leave me behind, making me feel like I'm not important enough to be around, you're not my ex-husband so please don't start acting like him."

He sighed nodding his head.

"Ye're righ', I'm sorry, I jus' don' wan' Jimmy te know ye're here, if he finds out about ye he'll hurt ye."

"I'm not worried about Jimmy, I'm not worried about any of that, I just want to be with you and the safest place for me is with you. I mean yes I can shoot, and I can fight, I can take care of myself, but we both know that we're better as a team."


I smiled standing up and fixing my clothes before pulling a mirror from my bag making sure my make-up was still decent. I sighed fixing my eye liner with water and q-tips before re-doing my lipstick, I smiled seeing that everything was as it should be. I quickly checked my gun, before recliping my holster, I sighed feeling the plane jerk knowing that we were getting ready to land. I went ahead and buckled the belt around my shoulders and waist holding Chibs hand for dear life, I fucking hate planes. 


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