Chapter 4: I'm Surrounded By Idiots

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        I’m surrounded by idiots.

        “The trajectory of the shot you just used is all but elementary and you still carried it out incorrect!”

        “Small words Luey!”

        “Yeah we’re not all a walking thesaurus Lucius.”

        “How many times do I have to justify that my birth name is Lucas Welsh Davids, not Lucius or Luey?”

        “Well how many times do you have to use big words that Jordan and I don’t understand?”

        “Yeah, we’re not all the offspring of Steven Hawking and Albert Einstein.”

        “Actually, when Hawking was born, Albert would have been nearing the borderline of his death—”

        “SHUT UP LUCAS!”

        Like I said, I’m surrounded by idiots. Not in the intellectual sense – well, in Jordan and Chase’s case that’s still debatable – but in the sense that they are all immature, childish and misbehave immensely, even Lucas. He just doesn’t realize it.

        Lucas’s brows pull into a small frown, pausing for effect before beginning again “All I’m saying is the two of you have the IQ equivalent to a bowling ball and I have in fact seen smarter apes at the zoo than you.”

        I snort, kicking my feet up onto the glass coffee table in the penthouse we own in New York, carelessly biting into my Granny Smith apple. “And better looking….”

        My comment goes unnoticed by the others, Chase scratching his head at Lucas words, while Jordan actually counts numbers on his fingers in a confused manner. I arch my left eyebrow, directing my question Lucas “They’re kidding right?”

        There’s a pause.

        Lucas frown deepens. “I do hope so.”

        Another pause.


        Lucas and I share a glance at their slow processing, preceding to laugh together quite cheerfully before he takes a seat beside me on the couch of the living room. “So,” he starts again, smoothly snatching the apple from me and taking a bite “has Dr. Richards proceeded to return your call?”

        He tosses the apple back to me, and I continue to stare at it blankly before shrugging nonchalantly and eating it once more. Jordan’s scowl remains on Lucas. “Yes, but he can’t begin until he’s finished this other project. He’s destroying it or something because it caused the entire team a lot of grief and stress. Something called an XCX machine?”

        Chase grunts, slumping into the beanbag chair like a child. “Sounds like the singer. What’s her name? Charli xcx?”

        I swallow the mouthful before making an ‘o’ shape with my mouth. “She sung ‘Boom Clap’ for the Fault in Our Stars Soundtrack didn’t she?”

        Jordan sniffles. “Such a sad movie.”

        Chase heartbrokenly nods. “Punched me right in the feels, and I’m supposed to do the punching around here.”

        I glance down in dismay. “Augustus Waters, you will be missed.”

        The three of us do the mockingjay salute.

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