Chapter 8: I Am So Done

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Jordan's POV

"Did you see their faces? They looked at us as if we had roasted new born babies," I say, snorting in disbelief at the mere concept of it.

"They looked like we had shitted on the President's head then decided to drop a sack of puppies from the Empire State Building," Chase corrects, tearing the red ski mask from his face and tasseling his hair.

"Although I would have resorted to a less colloquial way of divulging it I do concur, they appeared mortified and judicious. Dr. Richards was by far the prominent and most perceptive of the cohort," Luey agrees in his own brainy language, carefully untying his own black ski mask unlike Chase did.

I simply pull my green one down from my mouth, allowing it hang around my neck like a necklace. "I wonder how Stella is doing."

Chase side leaps and lands horizontal on the leather couch, making sure he's comfortable. At the moment, the 'Four Horsemen' have moved from their public mansion to their public penthouse. Because you know, I can afford things like that. Now that our public mansion has crumbled to nothing but the ass end of embers, we've claimed our previously private penthouse to be our public residence. Too many big words in that sentence for my liking, but it's like something you would see at Stark tower with the giant window walls and modernized stuff. If you're wondering, Luey designed the place. No need to wonder now ;) (Who even needs fourth walls?)

"She's got her date tonight, after she toys with the Fantastic Freak Show." Chase continues to shift around on the couch, still not finding the right spot to sit on yet.

My breaths are still taken in ragged pants, even though it has been a while since we were fighting. Luey narrows his gaze on me, his eyes widening to saucers when he realizes I'm still gasping for air. "Chase, retrieve the bronchodilator inhaler immediately."

My hands shakily grip the couch, my breathing becoming less and less stable. Chase instantly shoots up from his finally comfortable position, sprinting like freaking Usain Bolt for my asthma inhaler. The coughing begins to kick in, my throat feeling as raspy and dry as sandpaper as Lucas seats me on the same couch Chase was laying moments ago.

"Anytime now would be preferable Chase!" Lucas shouts, only for an asthma inhaler to be thrown at his head, rebound off it and land back in Chase's hands as he races back into the room. "I'm not Sonic the Hedgehog Lucius! Or the freaking Flash! I am only human."

"And I bleed when - I fall down. I'm only human and - I crash and I break down -" I splutter sing through coughing fits, Luey rolling his eyes at my 'indubitably impeccable timing' as he would put it, Chase snickering but shoving the asthma inhaler into my mouth.

I fumble for the button at the top, managing to press it at last and breathing it in, having to cough a few times before coming around. Luey rubs my back reassuringly, and to be honest, if I didn't think of him as a brother, I would find it incredibly weird. Actually, it still kinda is, and Chase seems to agree with me on that because he's awkwardly patting my head as if I'm a stupid dog as he side eyes the walls and flickers his gaze to and fro.

"Thanks guys..." I pant, my lungs no long feeling as if they are packed to the rims with cob webs.

Chase shrugs it off. "Don't mention it, we all have our flaws. I mean, I don't have very many, in fact I'm practically perfect if it wasn't for those burn scars, but..... where was I heading with this?"

By the look on Luey's face, he's desperately trying to suppress another eye roll. If I was him, I would've been banging my head against the wall by now. "Are you feeling more adequate?"

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