Chapter 9: Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow

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          Frustration is a common enough emotion, yet an emotion that takes time to build up. Frustration often leads to anger, and anger often leads to unjustifiable actions. My temper is long, thanks to the boys that I grew up with, but it is not infinite. Frustration and temper work in an almost... symbiotic relationship. They work together, melding into one another quite well. Evidently not a good thing, but there's nothing the human being can do about it.

          I may be sitting here, complaining on the inside, but I quell my whines, because Anthony J. D'Angelo once said 'Realize that if you have time to whine and complain about something, then you have time to do something about it.'

          And I'm trying to do something about it.

          "Yes.... Lucas can you please—..... no I won't postpone my date...... because last minute cancelling is the height of rudeness...... okay, usually I can keep up with you when it comes to speech but you're going to have to re-phrase that for me........ ten minutes to two hours? That's the most specific time you can give me?....... yes..... yes........ fine, okay....... Talk to you later."

          I slide the phone into a small pocket in the laptop bag, Johnny throwing me a sultry look from his position on the elevator floor, leaning back against the wall with his legs lying flat an apart. "Most women enjoy being in a small, confined space with me."

          I refrain from sitting, clicking my heels against the carpeted floor in anticipation and snorting in an undignified manner. "Unless you've forgotten, which I don't blame you for considering the proximity of your tiny, insignificant brain, but I am not most women. I am also claustrophobic, which you only figured out five minutes ago."

          He smirks. "You're definitely the spunkiest I've had in a long time."

          My gaze flickers to his, regretting it once I've done so, for his eyes are far more alluring than from what I remember. I constrain myself from allowing any hint towards my current emotions but frustration surface on my face. "You don't have me. You don't own me. In case you have forgotten, I am taken."

          He shrugs. "I met you first; therefore I have the rights to you first."

          I abstain myself from throwing profanities at him for treating me as if I'm some prize at a fair to be won, instead fishing my phone out again with no small amount of irritation as I text Wade:

          May be a tad late. Stuck in an elevator which apparently despises me – EA

          His reply is almost instant.

          I believe that was personification. Can elevators really despise people? – WW

          My lip quirks up in amusement.

          This one does, and I have done nothing to it except maybe insult it once for its sluggish pace...– EA

          I can almost hear his laughing on the other side of the conversation.

          That may have done it, but I don't blame you, elevators are always picking on me. In fact, now that you have enlightened me with the fact that elevators can despise people, I think the one in my apartment building hates me. It purposefully stuck me in it once while moving at a slow pace with a fat man who had a very serious flatulence problem. I couldn't smell anything for a week – WW

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