Chapter 6: Oh No She Didn't

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There it sits. Mocking me. Telling me that I don't have the guts to do it. Well I'll show it. I'll show everyone!

I exhale. "It's show time."

I pick up my Samsung Galaxy s4, tapping the calling number as a bead of sweat lingers down from my forehead to my cheek-

"Christ's sake Stella it's a phone. Just call her." Thank you Jordan, for ruining my climatic moment.

I grumble. "Kill joy."

Dialling the caller ID, I idly drum my fingers against the freshly polished coffee table. Why freshly polished you may ask? Well, when Chase got his flat white coffee with no sugar which was supposed to be a Cappuccino with no sugar he pegged it at the nearest object - which happened to be the coffee table. The worker should be lucky it was the coffee and not him.

 "Yello?" Well, she's certainly sounding more cheery than usual.

My fingers stop drumming. "I need your help."

I find it hard not to giggle at the aggravated sigh that follows my demand. Lillian Nightshade never was one of patience. Oh, her sarcasm and wit is endless, but patience? Patience is a virtue she does not possess. "I always hate starting phone calls like this."

I smirk. "Just add another favour to your list of favours people owe you and -" Oh mother of all mercy. I cut myself off quickly mid-sentence when evidently the assistant came back with the wrong coffee again, because Chase is elevating him up off the ground by the lapels of his blazer, his eyes narrowed down on the man like a hawk eyeing its prey.

"Chase!" I exclaim short-temperedly "Chase put the poor assistant down! If you want a coffee so badly then freaking make one yourself! You have two hands! Use them you hairless ape!"

When he refuses to even inch, I slam the phone down on the table, Lucas instantly cowering behind his newspaper and Jordan yelping before hiding under his business desk, his head slowly rising only to reveal his eyes over the abundance of paper work. By the time I reach Chase, it's too late for him. I've swiped the glass coffee mug from the assistant's hands, pouring the hot coffee on Chase's head with a smug attitude accompanied by a confident smirk. Extending my arm out into the open, I let go of his favourite mug and allow it to shatter against the floor, Chase gritting and delayed 'Ow' before dropping the poor man who take his first chance to scamper from the ludicrous psychopaths. I don't blame him to be honest.

I usually have a very long temper. My patience is something that can rival Jordan and Chase's parents when they were bringing them up. Today, however, I have been royally pissed. The boys are all still acting like they've got sticks shoved up their asses because of Deadpool and it's been what... two days since I've told them? I'm so done listening to them complain! I feel pretty good now though, considering Chase just bathed in coffee.

I smile happily at the three of them, something that has Lucas hiding back behind his newspaper and even drawing his legs up onto the couch to attempt at shielding his entire body behind the paper fortress, Jordan squealing then bopping his head back under the desk and Chase even goes to the lengths of leaping behind the couch as if he's Jenko taking a bullet for Schmidt off 21 Jump Street. "Sorry 'bout that. It's frustrating living with three men who don't seem to know how a coffee machine works."

 "To what do I owe the pleasure Stella?" You readers that don't know my friend here probably want some kind of explanation. Lillian Veronica Nightshade, also known as the criminal/hero/assassin Nightingale. She is definitely a force to be reckoned with if you piss her off. She could probably take on all Four of the Horsemen if she so dared. She's been having a bit of trouble in her alternate universe at the moment. Trouble involving HYDRA, the Avengers and the Fantastic Four. Who knows what else has happened since my friend Becca last informed me? I haven't actually talked with Lillian in three years.

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