Chapter 11: Does it Look Like I Need Saving!?

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          Wade's hand meets the small of my back, grinning and directing me towards the other members of the room. My smile falters. "What's going on—?"

          "I've kept my end of the bargain, I suspect you'll do the same," Wade intervenes, neglecting me wholeheartedly.

          The man before me leers, and any normal human being would shiver at the provocative and sinister glance thrown at them. I, however, have to force a shudder.

          Play along.

          "Yes, of course Mr. Ayton," the words roll off his tongue coldly, his eyes reflecting his own tainted soul "I wonder how Mr. Parks will react once he knows we've played with and sliced his favourite girl."

          My eyes widen to the size of Frisbees. "Say what now?"


          He snaps his fingers, a refined and alarming sound. "Seize her, but don't make her feel too uncomfortable, the poor dear is merely stuck in the middle of a... business deal."

          Should have let Kirk, Spock and McCoy stalk me I chide myself bitterly, then decide against it almost immediately. Chase isn't in a good place right now, concerning the burns still fresh and tarnishing his back and shoulders. He isn't telling anyone, but I'm quite certain he's enduring an enormous amount of pain because of it. Then there's the fact of his mental stability. He hasn't had a break down in a while though...

          Lucas is smart. He could probably get me out of here, but he's a lover, not a fighter. Actually, he's neither. He's just... Lucas. Smart, and while he miraculously has a fine set of muscles on him – like Jordan and Chase do (my God, Chase) – he doesn't fight. Sure, he retains all fighting basics, but my friends Lillian and Jade would be able to pin him in a minute. He's very talented in identifying a person's weak spots though, so that most certainly could come in handy.

          Jordan is the reason they want me. He cannot by any means necessary turn up. Not only would there be a possibility – albeit small – that his bronchial asthma would act up, but an idiot would be able to realize they mean him harm. I'm not some idiotic heroine from the books or movies, I don't have people yelling at me like 'No, it's this you stupid woman! It's blandly obvious!'.

          "Let's go girly."

          I resist the impulse to recoil in disgust from the man, or knee him in the jewels. When I cast Wade a glance, his face is stoic, as if this doesn't bother him at all.

          Psychopaths are good at changing moods within the blink of an eye.

          "Girly has a name you bumbling buffoon," I seethe, proceeding to glare at him before swinging my evil eye to the culprit behind this entire endeavour.

          "How could you? Using me – your girlfriend – as a bargaining chip so you could get what? Money? Information? A clean slate? Enlighten me Jacob, just what exactly is worth my life?" I spit, and an almost undetectable spark of admiration glistens in his eyes. Of course, no one else sees it, because as Lucas would put it 'There's an abundance of stupid in the room and it is too overwhelming to the senses for anyone else to comprehend.'

           A dry, sadistic smile forms on his face, a single strand of his dirty blonde hair falling out of place to frame his face. "Nothing you need to know," he sighs disinterestedly titling his head and staring at me when he sees the look on my face "Oh Stella, if there was only someone out there who loved you," he taunts, chuckling afterwards. He did NOT just quote Frozen at a time like this.

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