Chapter 4: The darker side of the school.

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The sun rose and Anti was up and started the day. It was Thursday today. Almost the weekend, he would have to find a way to get food. But he saw that Apple was again rubbing their head against his legs pulling Anti out of his thoughts and smiled.

"You still have some water that's good" Anti picked Apple up and held them.

"Do you want me to keep the door cracked for you?" Apple licked their paw and looked back at Anti.

"I'll take that as a yes but Apple I must get going now for school"

Apple cleaned themselves making Anti laugh and then set them on the his bed.

"I'll be back soon like yesterday be careful"

Anti then grabbed his stuff and left some chips for Apple then walked his way to school leaving the shed door slightly cracked for Apple to leave easy.
His mind was everywhere while he was walking. For one food, he had some money but not enough to get a lot so probably only spend that on the weekends. And when will he have police showing up at the shed or the school looking for a missing boy. It's unlikely with his father to come find him even with how the house is. By time Anti's thoughts had calmed he was already at the school and he felt someone bascially jump up with his shoulders, he turned around and it was Marvin.

"Oh hey Marvin didn't see you there-" Anti said turning around and looking at Marvin.

Today he wore a blue long sleeved and shorts that are kinda short and his hair was slightly curled.

"I tell that you dress to impress" Anti said laughing a bit.

"Yep! Gotta be the hottest one of us three" Marvin said laughing more.

"Where's Jackie? I thought he would be here by now with you" Marvin thought for a moment then spoke.

"He's either actually in the school for once or most likely in the back where all the kids who wanna fight go"

Anti was shocked by this.

"What wait?! I thought you couldn't fight"

Marvin nodded,

"Yeah but there's a blind spot in the back and there's a kid who can make it look like it was just like a fell or cover it up completely and also two kids to patch up the kids that got hurt up fast"

Anti was just shocked, a school with he thought was a good school actually had a fuckin underground fighting system and shit.

"Why don't we go help Jackie then and like stop the fight?"

"Anti you think any of us people who aren't in the fighting system want to be a pain in the side for them? Most of them play some sport so that's where they get strength"

"Then Jackie should have strength from being in a sport right?" Marvin didn't say anything.


Marvin placed his hand on his hip.
"If you want you can go see it happen and let you see if he does or not it's easy to find just go behind the school and you hear yelling and grunts and shit. Here I'll take you if you like"

Anti nodded then the two walked to the back to see Jackie pinning a way bigger guy then himself to the ground as the spoke person Anti was guessing anyway called it a win for Jackie. Jackie looked over and saw Marvin and Anti and smiled.

"Excuse me boys I think I'm done for the day, plus want to give Yan, Edward and Hen time to do their work."

Jackie said to all of them and walked over to Anti and Marvin.

"Did you enjoy the show I gave?"

Anti wasn't sure to say yes or no.

"I mean it was something. That's for sure." Marvin smiled and nodded.

"Not always my favorite but was a great show"

Jackie smiled then looked at Anti.

"You alright man? You seem upset or something"

Anti looked up slightly at Jackie and shrugged.

"I haven't seen people fight since my old school so."

"Oh shit did they have something like this man??" Jackie seemed a bit to excited.

"No not at all. It was. Different. Way different."

Jackie nodded and patted Anti's back.

"It's alright man plus people place bets and if you win you get the bets. Yes I am aware it's not ideal but it's the best way and in a fun way!"

Jackie suggested to him, Marvin shook his head and let out a sigh.

"Jackie, Anti's new don't get him all wrapped up with your fighting"

Jackie waved his hand around dismissing Marvin.

"He doesn't haveeee to join mate if he wants he can"

Anti looked at the batter students and studied their shape and build. Most were more buff guys but some were not as build. Marvin and Jackie continued to talk while Anti continued to take notes on them before Marvin got his attention.

"Anti we need to get going to class"

"Oh okay let's go" Anti said and walked with Marvin to their classes and like everyday he would hang with Marvin and Jackie.

But he had the fighting system on his mind the entire time. Should he join? He needed the money. And it's not like he could get a job. Plus it was the most.. Likely way for his situation. Anti was able to sneak a Apple and a cookie into his bag. The school bell rang then the school day was over, Anti walked back to his shed and saw Apple waiting for him. Anti smiled and sat on the makeshift bed and Apple jumped into his lap.

"Hey Apple, how was your day?"

Apple licked Anti's hand making him laugh a bit.

"I don't have much besides an apple that you could have"

Anti took the pan and used it to cut a bit off the apple and to give it to well Apple. Anti watched Apple eat and continued to think if he should join that system or not. If he did Apple could get actual food and so would he.

"Fuck it"

Anti mumbled to himself. He would join, he needed money to get food. Anti went outside leaving the shed door open and walked to the brokened house and decided to see if he would be able to find something new. Lot of wood that's for sure. He moved a big piece of wood and discovered a crushed dresser with clothing slightly bigger than him. He took them and brought it back to the shed and checked them out. Smell alright in a sense. He put them away then got ready for the next day. He would join the underground fighting.

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