Chapter 12: Finally caught

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This is a republish the only really difference is that Anti and Abe talking is different towards the end and it's smaller because a lot of pov changes seemed confusing

Anti was the first to awake seeing he had fallen asleep on King's chest, making him be confused as ever as to why he was laying on King's chest. Until last night replayed in his head and he smiled whispering a "thank you" before getting up and seeing what King's kitchen had for breakfast. And of course Apple when they rubbed up against his leg making him laugh a bit to himself.
He got some cereal and some canned chicken for Apple and the two ate their food with content and as soon as he put his bowl in the sink there was a knock from the door. Anti stupidly went and opened the door seeing two officers stand before him. He tried to play it cool.

"Hi um may I help you?"

"Uh yes you can, are you the one people call King?"

"Why y-"

Anti was interrupted when the second cop realize it was Anti.
"You nitwit that's Anthony right there!"

"Oh my stars you're right, son you need to come down to the station with us"

Anti was cornered, no where to go or hide his running was over. He called for King for which he woke up immediately and quickly went to where Anti was seeing the situation.

"Oh I see well I'm assuming this is for Anti."

"Yes it is sir, we need him and you as well to come down to the station"

"Okay I'm sure we can get this all figure out then? Right?"
King asked picking Apple up and carrying them over.

"We sure hope so. So let go"

"I'm not going."
Anti said not moving from his spot.
"Yer lying. You won't get it solved. Clearly you took his side not caring to look at his history."

"Now kid we don't know who you are referring to, you need to be more specific"

"I'm talking about that so worried father. How much does he actually care?"

"We can discuss this all at the station. Please let us go"

Anti's mouth moved to a irrited look.
"Okay. I'll go. But I take the cat with me"

"Now we can't-"

"Why not? It'll get me to go and clearly you want that!"

King rested a hand on Anti's shoulder and he pushed it off.

"You let me take Apple and they can wait outside the room or even the station they are an outside cat anyway"

The two officers looked at each other and sighed.

"Well. I guess we will let you take the cat"

Anti took Apple for King and the 5 made their way to the car. Seeing the melon man on the way.

"King what Siren man doing here?"

"Long story, I'll tell you when I get back"

"If you get back" Melon man mumbled as the 5 got in the car. It was a quiet car ride the silence was only broken by the radio of the other officers talking.
They got to the station and Anti and Apple was taken to a office room while King was tooken to another.

"Hello Anthony I am detective Abe and who is this little guy"

Anti mean mugged the detective and petted Apple.

"Their name is Apple." He said looking up at the detective with a cold stare.

"Hey listen we get it. You don't want to be here but we need to figure out what happened when you ran away and so we can figure out what to do."

"What will happen to King?"

"We'll figure that out later"

"Well I want to know now" Anti wasn't having any of this, he got King into this mess he wanted to know how much he could put on himself to hate.

"We need your story kid, now tell me what all happened."

"You want to know so badly? How much of my Fathers story do you believe? Cause clearly you believe that I am very dangerous from him which I'll say yes I can be but, not as dangerous as that cocksucker!"

"Could you tell me what he has done?"

Apple jumped into Anti's lap and laid down. Anti looked at Apple and smiled a small bit. Taking his attention off of Apple he spoke again.

"How about this, you tell me about the case with my mother"

"What about it, she's been dead a while your dad said she had gotten into a fight with a stranger on the road and thrown her into a window. Is there something he didn't tell us?"

"Yeah. He's a lying bitch. He was the one who threw her out the window. And yet no one check it out"

"Then why didn't you tell us when you was younger, it doesn't make you seem any better"

"He told me to not say anything. So i listened and didn't say anything."

"Hm, now is that all you want to know and can we get to know what all caused this?"

Anti let out a sigh and began to speak.
"I had gotten expelled from school because some blonde rich kid called me a freak and nagged me on. So I punched him quite a few times because I had enough of it."

"Then what happened next"

"Was sent down to Mrs. Grey, she got all my work down at this school so it wouldn't be a bother and I went home packed a back just in case."

"Just in case of what?"

He leaned against the table crossing his arms while Anti petted Apple's head earning a purr from them.

"Just in case my Father got mad at me."

"So did he?"

"Yes he did. Slapped me and said go to your room and don't leave. So I grabbed my bag and my guitar and hopped out my window"

"Your bedroom is on the second floor how did you get down?"

"Again I hopped out the window"

"That fall could of hurt you"

"Guess it didn't"

Abe sighed and put his hand up to his temple and shook his head.
"So then what was next"

"I ran until I couldn't anymore, smiled that I had gotten away from that prick, and to the bus stop. I got on until the bus driver woke me up and I found a abandoned shed then I stayed there until Sunday I think it was then I went to King's place."

Abe nodded and scratched his chin.
"So when did the abuse take place?"

Anti looked at Apple and pet them before answering.

"When he started to drink. So, about when I was 7 maybe it gets fuzzy"

"Alright, we will get him okay?
But for now I am going to check on how things are going with Noir and King-" he said walking towards the doorway.

"What will happen with him? With king"

This made Abe stop and look back towards Anti.
"We'll only have to see okay? We needs his story

Anti only nodded focusing on Apple.

"I'll be back"
Abe walked out of the doorway leaving Anti alone.

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