Chapter 10: Getting away?

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A few days has past since Anti arrived at King's place. The two have enjoyed each other's company and Apple has grown on King. They talked and got to know each other better. King told stories of all the shenanigans he's gone through because of the melon man and at one point at time there was two others that inhabited the woods but King hasn't seen them in a long time. And Anti has told King of his daring escape more in depth than previously told.

"King, you want to know something?"

"Uh sure, what is it?

"It has been a long time since I have had a friend like you. One that cares and listens and I just. Generally feel safe"

King smiled and patted Anti's back.
"Well I'm glad I have you too. Because the melon man can get annoying sometimes"

They both share a laugh and talk some more. Anti decided it was nap time so he said a quick night to King and went and laid down.
After a bit Anti was still taking a nap the melon man was yelling and screaming at the base of the tree trying to get King outside and it worked but pissed him off slightly. King went outside and gave a what the hell look to him.

"Siren man was spotted near Melon mans home!"

"Crap... Which way did they go?"

"Here way, Siren man had dog"

"Okay thank you. You run on home"

The melon man ran back as King walked inside and went to wake Anti up.

"Anti wake up." He gently pushed Anti's shoulder and he woke up seeing King's face in a worried look.

"What's up? What's wrong?"

"They are coming this way Anti"

"Shit shit shit!"

He quickly got out of the bed and grabbed his things.

"Hey wait you don't know where to go! They'll have the entire forest covered and they have dogs!"

"What do I do then? Just sit here till they get me?"

"Well I don't know. But what I do know is you need to calm down"

"I can't calm down! I-"
He thought for a moment.

"If I run fast enough I'll be able to swim in that dank ass lake and be able to circle back here and the dogs won't have my scent would they?"

"They would still come here-"

"You could go to The Melon's man house and stay there for a bit! They would ransack your place so put any valuables away and I'll take everything but my guitar I can't risk losing that... Or my phone so take those to the melon mans place and stay there until they are done"

King nodded as Anti handed King his phone and guitar he made his way quickly down the ladder and made a break for the lake and severally thanking his mom for forcing him to learn how to swim.

King watched Anti make his way down and he covered the place in different smellers so it'd throw the dogs off if they did show up. He made his way towards the Melon mans home while Apple sat on his head. He bumped into the officers while on his way.

"Oh good morning sirs what are you doing in here?" He asked hoping the stall the team a bit.

"Trying to find a missing kid have you seen him?" The officer asked trying to keep the dog from trying to run and do it's job pulling on the leash.

"Nope not at all, I've only seen my neighbor.." King replied keeping Apple from falling or scratching his head.

"Ah okay but if you see him be very cautious he is said to be dangerous."

"Alright I'll keep an eye out. Have a nice day and good luck"

The officer nodded and the dogs continued to do their work.
He walked a bit further before entering the Melon mans cave and catching him off off guard.

"Sorry man, Just Anti said to come in here for a cover story. Thank you for warning us." King said sitting by The Melon Man and placed the guitar against the way he sat by and the phone in his pocket.

"Squirrel man gave melon to be Melon Man. Melon Man is welcome"

Back to Anti, who was making his way to the other side of the big lake and felt something brush up against his leg. He panicked and swimmed faster until he was pulled under and all he saw in the murky water was bright green and yellowish eyes as he felt himself being dragged down into the murky water and into a cave that wasn't as filled with water.
Anti coughed roughly trying to get some water out of his system. Then he saw the creature poke his head out from the water fall of the cave.

"Why was strange man swimming in my lake. I thought the locals knew not to swim in my lake."

"Wait are you the Gongoozler? King told me about you. How you two used to hang out" Anti said trying to get some water out of his clothing.

"Wait strange man knows King? Then I guess I should help you back up-"

"No wait this is perfect, just can you keep a eye out for cops with dogs to pass?"

"Why? Did man do bad thing?" The Gongoozler questioned ready to throw Anti back at the surface to the cops if he did.

"Does running away count?"

The gongoozler thought for a moment.
"Has man tried to hide body here?"

Anti shook his head no.
"No I haven't, has people in the past?"

"Yeah and it's very annoying to clean" The Gongoozler made a frowny face.

"Oh wow that sucks-"

"Yeah! Because then I get blamed! Death comes for all but not by the hand of The Gongoozler!"

"Well that's good to know. Now could you go check?"

The Gongoozler nodded and swam back to the surface and watched as dogs sniffed at his lake. He growled a bit as he went under back to Anti.

"Their damn dog is sniffing the lake.. Heehoo has a place in here and that should lead to an exit over by Melons man place."

As the creature entered the lower more clear water his tail was huge and sharky like. His gills were green and had black spots on it. Very interesting to say the least. It pulled the torch down to reveal a passageway.

"Heehoo has long been away from these woods and has moved to others to torment hikers so you are fine."

"Okay thank you so much" he said making his way down the passage as the door closed on him he couldn't wait to tell King that he met The Gongoozler and that the cops have most likely lost his trail.
But then he thought about what they would do. Most likely send scuba teams in search of his body. Could the Gongoozler protect itself? Anti sure hope so as he climbed a ladder into the Cave of Melon man. He ended up scaring everyone when he opened the hatch.

"Jesus Anti! Don't scare us like that"
King said gently tossing a pillow at him. But it caused Anti to chuckle a bit.

"Sorryyy but guess what?"

"I'm assuming they lost your trail?"

"Yes and I met the Gongoozler! But I'm afraid they'll hurt him because that's where my scent ends-"

"Wait they are still here, name thought he relocated.. But don't worry, we'll keep an eye out for hunters or lab rats coming to get it"

"But don't lab rats have a say in what happens?"

"Yea if my dad didn't own the land, he doesn't live here sure but I do. So I can put my foot down. That's why Melon man, Gongoozler and when he was still here Heehoo all live here because I can protect them."

"Very heart warming but now what do we can't go back yet and I'm sure they are still gonna look for me"

"We'll get that figured out in time"

"Alright. I trust you"

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