Chapter 5: The first fight

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Anti arrived at school and walked to the back and saw that the fighting were going underway. He walked over to Jackie that was waiting until it was his turn.

"Oh hey Anti you come to watch me fight again?"

Anti shook his head no.

"I was wanting to pertake actually-"

Jackie smiled and cut the fight that was currently going on and made an announcement.

"Fellas Fellas I have something to say. We have a new fighter! Come here, Anti"

Anti walked to Jackie and stood next to him.

"Who wants the first wack at em hmmm?"

A kid walked out of the crowd, his hair was as black as a Raven and his eyes were as red as a rose and as blue as a sapphire stone. He wore a white shirt with jeans that were slighty tore up.

"I will"

Anti looked at the kid that had spoken up.

"Ah Dark good to see you, now everyone get your bets place while these two get ready!"

Jackie announced going around getting the little things ready. Anti walked to the corner that was for him. At the moment he wore black jeans that were tore a good bit, black and green convers. With a tank top that was black as well and a black and green hoodie as well. He took his jacket off and set it off to the side and got mentally prepared for what about what he as going to do. Jackie stood in the middle and went over just a few rules before he said "fight!"

Anti held his arms up to protect his body as Dark made his approach as he threw the first punch. Anti was able to dodge Dark's fist and hit it away causing him to go that direction. Anti kicked Dark to the ground and he landed with a grunt. He was trying to get back up before Anti put his foot on Dark's chest so he was able to get ahold of his shirt and picked him up and slam him back onto the ground. Anti continued this until someone called the fight. Anti had won that fight. But there was plenty more to come. "Anti is the winner!" Dark had to be taken to the nurse because of how badly his head was hit. Everyone was shocked at what Anti just did, he beat a pretty good fighter. A difficult one at that. Jackie even had troubles fighting him.
Anti went a few more rounds winning them all with only a few scratches and brusies. Marvin by this time came out back to see where Anti was. He saw Anti fighting in the ring at the moment and got pissed. He should not get caught up with Jackie's fighting bullshit. He waited until Anti saw Marvin and waved, he didn't waved back though. Anti was confused and walked up to Marvin.

"Dude you okay? You seem pissed-"

Marvin let out a scoff, Anti knew that was not a good sigh.

"Did I do something wrong?"

Marvin sighed and looked at Anti.

"I didn't want you getting involved with all of this. It's just a shit show man. Maybe yeah fun to watch but it's gonna be shit in the long run."

Marvin explained to Anti, he felt bad that his friend was mad at him. But he needed the money.

"I'm only doing it for the money. Nothing more."

Marvin grew a shocked then a slightly pissed off look.

"So your greedy? Didn't think you would be like that Anti."

Anti shook his head in panic.

"No! No! Nothing like that. I just-"

Marvin rolled his eyes and placed his hand on his hip.

"I'm going to class. Enjoy your money for drugs or what not."

And that's all he said to him. Anti walked to Jackie and got the payment for that day and just walked off. The others tried to stop Anti but they got put on their ass when they tried. He walked off somewhere into the woods. He didn't know where he was going but all he did was he fucked up badly and needed to get away from everything. Maybe coming to that school was a bad idea. Maybe he should of just stayed. But then he would have to deal with his father. That. Demon. Evil man. Anti looked around but not seeing anything or anyone.

"H-Hello?!anyone out there?!"

Anti cried out but there was no one. He was alone yet again. He let his anger get control of him and his emotions as well. Anti sat on a rock and held his head in his hands and stayed there until. He heard a tree branch break. Anti looked up to where it came from.


He called out at the direction of the branch. Anti stood up and walked towards the location and saw a man that was eating a melon and was rambling about a melon makes the man and what not.


Anti said and the man looked at Anti and stood up holding his melon.

"Who are you?"

Anti asked him, as the other continued to eat his melon.

"I'm the melon man" he said eating more of the melon.

Cool he was stuck out here with a crack head.

"Can you possibly lead me out of the woods?"

The Melon man looked at Anti and pointed in a direction.

"Out of the woods that way. Careful. Melon mans enemy. King, will get you."

Anti slowly nodded his head and walked the way the melon man pointed at.

Oh wow I'm not dead lol
I have had other parts in drafts for months but never had a good wifi to post it and kinda forgot about this but hey I'll try to work on it

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