Chapter 13: Talking to King

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This will be from chapter 12 before I republished it with a lot of revisions ish.

"Now tell me, Why was a missing person case person at your home?"

"He needed a place to stay because he was scared of you guys"

Abe entered and stood next to Noir.
"So how's it going?"

"He's being confusing!" Noir said throwing his arms up and sighed

This causes King to stand up and watched both of them
"I am not! I am stating the facts of when Anti got there, how long and when me and Anti had first met and he isn't believing any of this!"

"Now Mr. Iplier we understand your frustration but we need your story"

"I was trying to but this numbskull won't take a answer I tell him"
King pointed at Noir as he spoke

"How about I try Noir, you can check on Anthony. And don't question him if you get him upset he'll probably get up and leave."
Noir nodded and left leaving Abe and King in the room.

"Sorry about my Partner he tries to play bad cop and it doesn't work for him" Abe chuckled a bit and sat on the desk.

"No crap I could tell" King said who continued to stand.

"Now King is what Anthony called yo-"

"And I'll call him Anti, mkay?"

"Alrighty now can you please tell me when you first met him"

King paused before sitting down to tell Abe his side of the story
"Okay I was up by the school because they was playing some... Games if I remember correctly" He thought for a moment, he didn't want to give away about the fighting shit they had.
"And Anti had gotten mad at a friends reaction of him playing the game and he raged off into the woods"

"He went willingly?" Abe questioned slightly confused.

"Well would you if you was pissed off and didn't want people to see you mad?"

Abe nodded and shrugged in agreement.
"Fair point go on"

"So he met the melon man and then he walked into my area, looking lost I decide to get his attention and talk a bit. He seemed better after I talked to him."

"When did this happen?"

"Hmmmm I would say about Friday"

"Alright, what was the second interaction?"

"Next was on the next day matter of fact. He was mad again because he thought all the people he knew hated him so he punched a tree until it bled and I fixed it up and we hanged out for a while until he went back to the shed"

Abe nodded trying to get all the details in his head.

"So when did uh, Anti was it?"


"So when did he start to stay at your place?"

"About Sunday"

"So this is all happening within a three day span?"

King made a slightly puzzled look and nodded.
"Oddly enough yea it was. Very interesting but Anti is nice company to have around"

"Ah I see, so what did you guys do for when the searchers came looking for Anti"

"Well Anti was freaking out bad until he had the idea of grabbing all his things besides his phone and guitar.
Keep in mind he now doesn't have any clothes besides the ones he ran in. He was gonna loose the dogs in the water but there was a change in the plan. But he was able to get to us and you guys left than we went on our merry way"

"Hm alright. You can go sit with uh Anti. As me and Noir go get ahold of his dad."

"Is that a good idea?"

"Well I am not that sure of it but we need to question him more"

King nodded and walked out of the room with Abe and back to the room Anti was held and when the two walked in there Noir was sitting there while Anti was playing with Apple.

"Well these two seem clear, but come on partner real quick"

Noir hopped up and went with Abe. Leaving King, Anti and Apple alone.
King sat next to Anti watching him play with the cat.

"So uh. How did it go for you?" Anti asked looking at King. He looked so tired.

"Besides me getting mad at those two. Fine. I guess. But hey soon we'll be able to leave and go back home."

That left Anti quiet. Not answering King, which worried King a great deal.

"Hey Anti.. Are you okay..?"

Anti shook his head no before focusing his attention on Apple as if he didn't want to tear up. It was uncertain when the detectives come back. Anti already felt vulnerable he didn't want to feel it even more.


"What." He replied not looking at King. It sounded so cold and sad.

"What is wrong? Was it some thing I said?"

"Kinda. I mean." Anti sighed before continuing. "I don't even know where home is anymore is it at his place. The shed. Your place? Or 6 feet in the grave. Like I don't know!" King saw the anger seem to grow in Anti.

Apple licked Anti's hand and made Anti smile a little, this little cat has been only so nice since meeting them on the steps of a school. And they have gotten Anti a long way.

"Well. Home is where the heart is and where you feel safe."

Anti thought for a moment and looked up at King. He made his small smile he had already into a bigger one.

"Well if that's the case. I feel safer around you. I don't know why and I wish I knew" He took a pause before continuing.
"So your house is a home for me to. I guess we go off of the feeling."

"Well I'm glad for that, maybe we can continue to stay together after this is all over"

"Yeah. I hope so to"

The two looked at each other with wonder and hope as they smiled but no one knows for how long until their future is changed ever so slightly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2022 ⏰

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