Chapter 8: Things are getting deep

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It was mid day when Anti awoken from his slumber. He sat up and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes as he looked for Apple who was no where to be seen. He only shrugged and was about to stand up when there was a knock at the door, Anti froze from his spot not daring to ask who was at the door. The knocking contitue for a few minutes before he heard the knocking go all around the shed very slowly. He had no where to hide in his little shed and if try and book it the person would have catched him for sure. So he sat and waited for the stranger to leave but he didn't. Then Anti's attention went to the tiny windows, how did he forget those? His breathing was starting to get frantic but he couldn't let the person hear hm. That's when he saw it and it chilled his spine as he saw a pair of eyes peek over the window seel if you could call it that.

"GET OUT CREEP!" Anti yelled at the peeping tom.

The eyes disapeared before there was more knocking on the door. He stood up and slowly made his way to the door and when it knocked again he pushed it open with a lot of force setting the mysterious person tumbling down onto his ass. He didn't recognize the person who sat on the ground. As another person came around with a camera.

"Tell me strange man of why you push me and why you inhabit the shed of the fomer Mr. Boogs???" The kid on the ground asked holding a microphone in his face.

Anti ignored the question and moved on to his own questions.
"I'll ask questions first here. Now tell me who the fuck are you two, why do you have a camera and a mic and most importantly. WHY ARE YOU HERE?"

"Well I'm Jim and that's Jim" He answered pointing to the camera man.

"Are you like twins or something?"

"No we are not! We are brothers that have the same name as our mother! Isn't that right Jim?" The Jim holding the camrea nodded.

"So how does your- I'm not questioning" He said throwing his hands in the air.

"We just wanted a interview with the one and only Antiseptic hand wash fighter!! For the school paper"

Anti felt his frustration rise and was at his limit.
"And we tracked you down for that interview!"

"So. You- You followed me home!?"
Anti rubbed the temples of his head and let out a sigh.

"And you I don't know could of waited until tomorrow when we all have school?"

Jim tapped his finger against his chin.
"JIM! Why didn't we think of that???"
Jim only shrugged.


He walked away in like a crab walk kinda.

"Quickly! To the broken man!"

Anti watched the two make there way away from the shed. Anti put his hand through his hair and let out a sigh.

"Annoying assholes..." He grumbled under his breath as he walked back into the shed grabbing a can of chicken, opening it and starting to eat it. Apple walked in and hopped next to him.

"Apple, you are the only one in this entire town that I like. King isn't to bad either"

He said petting them and handed them some chicken.
"Should I even go out today? Like yesterday I did and ended up getting so pissed off and ended up hurting my hand.."

Apple looked at Anti and licked their paw.
"Maybe I should... I mean I'm sitting here talking to a cat for crying out loud." Anti sighed again leaning against the wall.

"I don't know if this place is safe anymore either. Like they know where I sleep and they like to talk so how long will it be before they come back with cops? I'll be returned to shit face!" He shook his head and held it.

"I've been gone almost a week and I haven't overheard the radio in the shop talk about it so.. I'm good-?"
Anti looked at Apple and petted their head gently.
"I need to get some air I think."

He stood up putting some food and water in Apple's dish then walked outside and started to walk around and of course he spaced walking before he bumped into someone.

"Oh sorry!"

"Watch where your going kid!"

The man called him and went on his way.
He walked into the shop seeing he had about 5 bucks on him so he got himself a drink and while he waited he over heard the radio was on the news.

"And now we bring you the missing kids reports of this month and if you find this kids please call the cops. Not many this month surprisingly" the broadcaster said and listed off a few names before he heard his name.

"Anthony septic eye about 16 left his home on Tuesday night and his Father says he got in a fight with him before running out. He is about 5'7 and 165 pounds with green dyed hair. He was last seen in a Green and Black wardrobe" the radio continued and he felt his anxiety heighen.

"Damn that kid must of had balls to fight his own dad." The worker said as he handed Anti his drink.

"Oh yea, I would never do that"

He said leaving out there fast and he ran back to the shed as fast as his legs would take him he barged in the shed and he set the drink on the table and shaking his hands mumbling swears under his breath and pulling at his hair.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!" He saw Apple look at him and he swore Apple was concerned for him.

"Apple I- I'm- I am fucked they will take me back like I said! Look at that irony heh.." Apple meowed and rubbed their head head against Anti's leg.

"Heh thanks Apple.. Shit what do I do? Clearly I can't go back to school! They wouldn't want me anyway no one doesn't like me there anyway."

Anti thought for a moment then a idea popped into his head.

"There's King- no I could get him in trouble"

He grabbed the drink he got and took a drink from it and set it down.

"Okay okay I could just go into the woods-  nope they would have search dogs on my ass."

He let out a shaky sigh he was getting to frustrated he grabbed Apple and placed them outside and closed the door and he screamed loud raw anger. The entire town could of hear him scream most likely but he didn't care he was screwed. He rubbed his throat it hurts now and he opened the door seeing Apple's ears perked back and jumped.

"Sorry Apple" he mumbled kneeling down putting his hand out.

Apple slowly walked to Anti and licked his hand making him giggle softly.
He paused for a moment and stood up starting to pack things

"I guess I have to move quickly.."

He got everything and started to walk towards King's place he knew he shouldn't but he needed some where. Hopefully he can get out of this.

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