Chapter 3: Meeting new friends

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Anti woke up and got dressed immediately and checked the time it read 6:15 he didn't want to be late or anything so he quickly got his stuff and headed over to the school again. He was there before any other kids so he sat on the stairs that goes up into the school and waited. His stomach grumbled again so he pulled out an apple he took from lunch and took a bite. It wasn't the best tasting apple since it was from the school but it was food couldn't complain. While he was eating an apple a stray cat. They was all black with green eyes walked over to him and rubbed their head against his leg.

"Oh hello little guy. How are you?"

Anti said petting the cat causing them to jump in Anti's lap.

"You seem to be a stray. I know how yah feel man."

The cat sniffed the apple Anti had and licked the exposed apart making Anti chuckle a bit.

"Hungry are we? Here"

Anti pulled a piece of the apple and put it in his hand and the cat started to nom on the apple. Anti continued to eat his part of the apple while the cat did the same.

"I'll call you Apple. Do you like that?"

Apple meowed at Anti making him smile a bit.

"I'll take that as a yes then"

More students were coming and Apple just stayed on Anti not getting off of him.

"Apple you need to get up soon man"

Apple looked up at Anti and rubbed their face against his making him giggle a little a bit.

"Ight cut it out yah can stay a bit longer"

Apple licked the tip of Anti's nose and before long the bell rang and he needed to leave.

"Apple I need to get going you could stay around and wait for me if you like"

Apple looked up at Anti then walked away probably off to find good food.
Anti walked into the school and accidently walked into someone and fell right on his ass.

"Hey are you okay?"

Anti looked up and saw the kid he ran into, he wore a bright green long sleeved crop top and baggy pants and had long hair dyed purple and blue.

"Oh yes I'm fine" Anti answered standing up and brushing himself off.

"I just wasn't payin attention sorry for running into yah"

"Oh it's fine man! Say I haven't seen you around before what's your name?"

Anti didn't answer at first then spoke.

"Oh I'm Anti and you?"

"Marvin is my name and magic is my game nice to meet you Anti" Marvin grinned at Anti and he returned a small smile to him.

"How long have you been here Anti? I'm guessing not long"

Anti nodded and spoke again

"Yeah my first day was yesterday and haven't met anyone besides you of course"

Marvin made a pshh sound and waved his hand a bit.

"We have to change that now come on!"

Marvin grabbed Anti's arm and lead him over to another kid, he wore a red hoodie and blue jeans and his hair was dyed green at the tips and the rest was a dark brown.

"Who poor soul did you drag now Marvin?" The kid asked laughing a bit.

"This is Anti! He kinda ran into me but now he's over here"

Marvin rambled on for a bit then the other kid cut him off.

"Marvin let Anti speak man your just rambling again" Marvin said an apology and then Anti was finally able to speak.

"I'm Anti and who are you?"

"I'm Jackie nice to met you"

Anti smiled a bit, finally he felt somewhat wanted he would guess was the word.

"Me and Marvin are going to hang out after school you can join if you like"

Jackie said grabbing his bag and putting it on.

"Oh maybe not tonight I-I'm busy" Anti responded putting his hands in his pockets.

"Oh well! Maybe when you can we could all hang out!"

Marvin said patting Anti's head causing him to pull away slightly but not denying it completely.

"We should get to class-" Anti said messing with his strap on his bag.

The two agreed then they went with the school day. They decided to all sit together at lunch and for once Anti felt happy and forgot all about his Father or the old school he went to. Maybe this as a fresh start for him. And possibly two really great friends!

The school day came to a close while Anti said goodbye to his friends, Apple the cat from earlier came up to him and rubbed their head against Anti's legs.

"Hello again Apple, see told you I'd be back now let's see if we got any food for us back at the shed"

He said as he picked up Apple and carried them in his arms back to the little shed that he now call home. He set Apple down on the table and looked through the food he snook in his bag. A bag of chips, a Apple and a water bottle he was able to get from Marvin since Marvin gave it to him. He grabbed a pan that he was able to find in the house and put some water in it for Apple to drink.

"Drink up" Anti said to Apple as they hopped down and took a few drinks from the water in the pan.

Anti let out a sigh and quickly finished his homework before the sun set and left him in the dark.

As the sun set and left the shed dark Anti decided to go to sleep for the night, he laid in his makeshift bed of bagged soil, blanket and a pillow and Apple jumped up and laid next to Anti purring happily. As the two slumber until the next day.

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