Chapter 1

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"Why didn't you finish my homework?" Your boyfriend shouts at your best friend as he pushes her up against the locker. You stare at them dumbstruck, sending your best friend a sad smile.

"Please..." Your best friend whimpers softly, "Please don't hurt me again." Tears stream down her face as your boyfriend, Travis pulls back his fist. You feel yourself shivering as if your the one getting hurt. It hurts you just to see your very own boyfriend hurt your first and closest friend, Athena. It hurts you because you cant do anything about it and even if you could, you would end up getting hurt.

'Now your just being selfish' your subconscious says to you and without knowing, you start to tear up as Travis connects his fist to Athena's face. You watch as he lets go of her and walks off with his friends follow right behind him, leaving a crying Athena on the ground. You cannot hold it in anymore as you burst out crying and run up to Athena, falling onto your knees and hugging her as you rock back and fourth trying to comfort her. "I am so, so sorry" you mumble against her hair, puling her into a tight embrace. "I'm sorry Thea. Please forgive me." You say and walk towards to administrations office and leaving Athena crying on the floor.

As time passes, you still taste the saltiness of your tears as they roll into your mouth. You dad had picked you up from school, asking why you wanted to go home early so you just use the 'period' excuse and face the window trying to make it clear that the conversation is over. As soon as your father pulled up into your driveway, you don't even bother waiting until the car stops and just walk out. You grab your house keys and un-lock the door, running up to your room and jump head first onto your bed, groaning as you hit your head on your bed side table.

You shift and slide under the covers and scream. You scream so loud that the neighbours probably heard it. The door burst open revealing your step mum (mom) and dad as they look around frantically trying to find the source that caused all your screaming. When they didn't find anything, they let out a sigh of relief and turned to look at you, a scowl playing on Jeanine's face as she walks out and a worried look playing on your fathers.

He walks up to you and you snuggle into your pillow, hoping that he will get the message that you are fine don't want to talk. You feel your bed dip, indicating that your dad was sitting beside you. A hand rubs your shoulder comfortably. "Chanelle?" Your father asks calmly and you let out a hasty sigh in response. "Yes?" You groan, hiding your face into your pillow, causing your voice to muffle. "Are you alright?" He asks. You reply with yet another groan and turn to face him.

"I'm fine dad" You say, chuckling slightly, hoping that it will brighten the mood and make it seem as if you truly are alright. "Now that, Nelle," He starts off as he chuckles slightly. "is a lie. It's pretty obvious that your not okay."

You look him in the eye and say, "I am perfectly fine dad, what makes you think otherwise?" You father gives you a stern look and rolls his eyes before saying, "Chanelle, I am your father. I know you better than you think. Please tell me what is wrong."

You once again sigh and to make up a believable excuse. "It's just Jeanine, she is really getting on my nerves. We don't like each other, even Drake and Louis don't like her! She is a beast! An unpleasant beast!" Your father burst out into fits of laughter before it dies down. He lightly pats you on the back and walks out, not even bothering to close your door.

Your feel your phone vibrating against your side pocket and you sigh as you pick it up. It shows 2 messages from the two people you really don't want to see right now. Travis and Athena. So you decide it would be best to read Athena's message first. It read:

Hi. I know u really don't want to talk to me right now and I know u can't help that ur boyfriend beats me up, but could u please sleepover tonight? Travis won't find out and even if he did, I will take the blame. It could be like old times. ily!
Thea xx.

You feel tears start to prick in your eyes as you read the text. Just like old times? You smile to yourself slightly and move onto the next text message which was from your boyfriend Travis. It read:

Why'd you go home early? I had something in mind for us to do at lunch, you know, scare all the freshmen. Anyways, Ben is throwing a party tonight, as usual and I want you to come. Wear something nice for once! I'll meet you there! xo

What do you do?
Go to Chapter 2 if you want to -Delete Travis' message and go to Athena

Go to Chapter 3 if you want to- Delete Athena's message and go to the party with Travis.


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