Chapter 3

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Chapter 3- Delete Athena's message and go to the party with Travis.

You groan. 'I can't risk getting caught by Travis' you thought. You delete Athena's message and release a loud sigh before getting up from your bed and walking to your closet.

You look at all the clothes that hung on a metal rod. There were jeans, jumpers, blouses, tops but no dresses so you walk over to a pile of old clothes that Jeanine gave you a while back, hoping that you will look more 'girly', and put one of your hands into it. When you pull out your hand, you pull out a black coloured (colored) dress.

The dress wasn't too long and wasn't too short, the bottom of the dress had one small slit, outlined with a nice shimmering gold ribbon and had spaghetti straps that could go longer and shorter. You walk over to your body-sized mirror and slowly strip out of your dull grey jumper, followed by your plain white tank top that lay under it, black ripped jeans and your converse shoes.

Once you are wearing nothing other than your undergarments, you slowly unzip the dress and step into it, zipping it back up when your arms find their way into the thin spaghetti straps.

You look up into the mirror and as cliché as this sounds, you think you look beautiful. With the body of your dress showing your nonexistant curves and the bottom flowing around above your knee as your fan gently blows it.

You smile at your appearance before applying a nice black silk ribbon choker, a thin line of eyeliner and a final touch of lipgloss. You put on some black ballet flats to match your dress then walk out, not bothering to bid goodbye to Jeanine.

Just as you are about to walk out the door, someone behind you clears their throat. "Where do you think your going, missy?" Your father looks at you expectantly with his arms crossed over his chest.

You look around everywhere, daring not to meet your father in the eye and say, "A party..."

You see your fathers eyes widen from the corner of your eyes and you smile sheepishly.

"Not by yourself, are you?"
"I'm meeting Travis there." You say.
"Who's taking you?"
You smile and walk towards the keys which lay on the coffee table and extend your hand.

"Well..." You drift off.
"I was hoping you would drop me off and pick me up at Travis' tomorrow..." Again, you smile sheepishly and your father groans.

"Fine." You squeal and embrace him in a warm hug before pulling back and thanking him, before you know it, your standing infront of a large frat house completely dumbstruck.

There was toilet paper everywhere along with half naked and drunken bodies grinding against eachother. There were already people passed out on the lawn, some fully dress, some half and some... Bleurgh.

The though just makes you want to puke as you try to think of what they went through. You walk forward and up the small steps that guarded the front door and soon you are inside.

Lights. There were many lights of different colours flashing everywhere.
Music. The music was so loud, you would have thought that your ear drums have already burst.
People. People were everywhere. Some of which you knew and some were complete strangers. They danced against each other, making no personal space for themselves other than the thin line of clothing some had.

You decide to go look for Travis so you walk through the crowd of grinding people and make your way towards the backyard.

As you are about to go through the door, you stop right in your tracks. You feel your eyes burning as they threaten to spill out tears. Betray. That was what you felt. You felt as if you were betrayed and left for some other person.

How long had he been doing this? He knew that you were coming, you even denied your own best friends invite for him! There, in front of your very eyes, was your very own boyfriend kissing your very own enemy. Lucy Hendal.

What do you do?!
Go to Chapter 6 to - Confront them


Go to Chapter 7 to - Run away.


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