Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 - Run Away.

There infront of your very eyes, is your very own boyfriend kissing your very own enemy. Lucy Hendal.

You feel tears sting your eyes as they fall out. 'How could he?' You think over and over again, making your way back inside and into the kitchen. You grab a red cup and fill it up with tequila until it reaches the rim of the cup. You chug it down and hiss as you feel the burning liquid slowly make its way down your throat. It was painful and but at the same time, you enjoyed it. When you finish the cup, you throw it behind you and grab shot cup this time, filling it up with vodka. You fill several shot cups with vodka before quickly grabbing it and chugging it down. Before you know it, you are surrounded by majority of the guests as they chant 'Chug! Chug! Chug!', filling up more and more shots for you do to.

By the time you finish, you are more than drunk and you know that you are going to have a massive hangover the next day so you decide to walk home. As you walk home, you recieve a message from Athena. Even though you are still drunk you are sober enough to read her message and tears flood your eyes yet again.


Are you comming to the sleepover? I understand if you don't go, I mean, yeah It's Travis. Anyways, always remember that I will be here for you no matter what.

Thea xx.



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