Chapter 5

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Chapter 5- Turn Athena down and hang out with Jasper.

You shake off the thought and smile as you look up at Jasper who looks at you expectantly. "Sure" You say. Jasper's face brightens like a child on Christmas Day and says, "Okay. Great! I'll meet you at my doorstep in half an hour!" then slams the window shut and happily skips away. You chuckle slightly and walk towards Athena's dressing table, pulling out a loose sheet of paper from a binder and a pen that sat on a shelf, writing a note that said:

I'm sorry I can't hang out with you today, I have plans. I hope you don't mind. I also borrowed your clothes and I will return it the next time I see you.
Thanks for last night!
I owe you!
Nelle xxo <3

When you finish, you leave the note on her bed and walk to her closet which held many different types of clothing. To your surprise, majority of the clothing is black so you grab some black ripped jeans, black floral Doc Martens, a tight black tank top and a red checkered cardigan. You then walk to the bathroom and wash your face before stripping out of Athena's pajamas and changing into the clothes you picked out. Once you are fully dress, you turn on the tap and apply toothpaste onto your finger, brushing your teeth with it then walk out of the house, saying goodbye to Athena's older sister, mother and father then walking towards Jaspers porch.

You reach Jaspers porch and just as you are about to press the doorbell, the door swings open revealing Jasper whose smile is going from ear-to-ear. "Let's go!" He pulls you out the door and shuts it close before dragging you to a motorcycle that parked in front of the house. There was a helmet that was hanging on the right handle, Jasper picked it up and handed it to. You stare at the helmet confused, not knowing what to do before you are disrupted from your thoughts. Jasper sat on the bike, reeving the engine trying to get your attention. You flick your gaze from the bike to the helmet and you finally get the message.

"I am not riding that death machine." You say, a stern look playing on your face.
"Yes you are, we are going to do something exciting! Live for once will you?" You sigh and put on the helmet before sitting behind him and clutching your sides. You hear Jasper groan. He turns to face you and grabs your hands, wrapping them around his torso. You feel your face heat up.

'Thank goodness he can't see me under this helmet.' You thought.
"Hold on tight!" He says before he speeds off his driveway and down the street. You scream at the top of your lungs but you can still hear Jasper chuckling loudly and feel his body vibrating as he does.

After 15 minutes of driving- well, Jasper driving and you being the passenger whilst screaming your lungs out, you arrive at a large mansion. Your hands are still wrapped tightly around Jaspers torso as you cling onto his body like your life depended on it. Jasper chuckles for the umpteenth time today and tries to pry your hands off his body but tighten your hold.

"Chica" he says in a husky voice which sends shivers up your spine, "we're here."
"I know" you whisper against his back. Jasper groans and starts to walk forward with you still clinging onto his body. When you both reach a large double door, Jasper pulls a metal handle and knocks.

"How is this supposed to be fun?" You grumble, finally letting go of Jasper. He rolls his eyes just as the door opens, revealing your older brother.

Your eyes widen as you look at your brother who stands by the doorway with a joint in his mouth. He doesn't notice that you are behind Jasper so he takes the joint in between his middle and index finger and exhales a large amount of smoke.

"Hey man" he slurs and brings Jasper into a bro hug. That is when he notices you. He freezes and stares at you like you are some sort of disease, like you are some sort of monster, a beast. You give him a sheepish smile as he slowly lets go of Jasper and walks towards you.

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