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The silence that settled after the betrayal of Jisoo was painful in every way. No one, literally no one knew what to say or think about it. Jonghyun was just as confused as the Guardians. But the guardians were feeling emotions more than just confusion. Hatred, anger, betrayal and hopelessness squirmed inside their very souls, as they tried to put all the puzzle pieces together and understand just what they missed in the plan that this had to be the outcome. Just how far did things start changing that at the end, the decision Jisoo made all along was to side with Lucifer.

Lucifer. The very thought of him was sending them all in a fit of boiling rage, Jonghyun to be the worst of all. He hated his time in Hell, I mean who wouldn't? Hell is Hell after all. But the things Lucifer showed him, the things he made him do, Jonghyun wasn't proud of them. Lucifer even went to the extent of delivering Jonghyun with the worst punishment for a Grim Reaper. Their past memories. Jonghyun suddenly felt like a new person. He finally realised what being a Grim Reaper can do to a person, how it changes them, but still, that didn't mean he was proud of the decision he made in his life. The decision to take his own life

While the rest of them dwelled on their anger and frustration of the events that took place not long ago, Jisung, on the other hand, was numb. He had no idea what to think or what to feel. Call him over dramatic, but all that had happened in that short span of time had opened Jisung's eyes to reality. He tried remembering Jisoo as they girl he fell for, the girl he danced with at the MMA after party, the girl who protected him even though she was powerless at EXOs comeback, the girl that used all her strength to get him back from his evil sister, heck she even played lesbian for him. He tried remembering them, but in return, all he could think about was that blank expression in her face as she passed them and walked towards Lucifer. He felt the lingering touch of her hand in his, and how she had pulled away without even the slightest hesitation, saying that it was 'the right thing'.

The right thing. Was leaving them all after gathering them and making memories the right thing? There must have been a reason for everything, after all that they shared. But still, was abandoning BTS the right thing? Speaking about which...

Just then, the screeching of tires were heard, at the same time the friends exited the cave and stopped at the entrance, staring at the Hyundai car from which seven boys jumped down, some of them shaking their heads in an attempt to fix their hair. Sunmi opened her mouth to make some kind of noise, but the only thing she said was this. "This is bad."

"Hey! Are you guy's friends of Jisoo? You know? Park Jisoo? Pretty girl but grumpy sometimes, is she here?" Asked silly Jin, as he was the first one to approach the group, only to be pulled back by Namjoon. "Hyung, you don't just go about asking someone like that. They might just be travellers or something else. Stop bothering them."

All the while, the Guardians stared at the boys with slack jaws, but the worst was Jonghyun. To him it seemed like he was staring at a fragment of his past, which wasn't very clear, but still there. As Namjoon pulled at Jin's sleeve to bring him back, his eyes fell on the figure of Jonghyun, before he squinted in his direction. Soon the rest of the boys had joined too, and were doing just the same.

"Is that...Jonghyun hyung?" Jungkook whispered, ringing certain bells in everyone's heads. Taehyung released a sudden "Ah!", getting an idea. "He is a Grim Reaper right? Jisoo said they were friends, maybe she is with him? Let's ask."

But just as the boy tried stepping forward, Namjoon placed a hand over his chest, stopping him. "Wait. Don't go. Something isn't right. They might be friends but he also is a Grim Reaper. He might be here on Grim Reaper duty for all we know. Mortals like us shouldn't approach him just like that."

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