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The sounds of swords clashing against each other was heard all around the training ground of the castle, while all the soldiers stood around in a circle, watching the dangerous and fierce sparring battle between their leader and general. The duo were locked in a heated dwell, none of them backing off. The sparring had started with cheers at the beginning from all the spectators, but as time passed and dwell got more intense, the soldiers held their breath in anticipation, the only sound echoing was that of metal against metal.

At long last, the Leader aimed a kick on the gut of the general, making her lose balance. Without a warning, the leader cycle kicked in the air, which landed on the general's hand that held her sword and just like that, the sword fell to the floor with a clang, and the leader aimed her own sword at the general's throat, ending the dwell.

Cheers erupted from the audience as they howled and chanted their leader's name before she withdrew her sword from around the Generals neck with a smirk, while the General bowed in respect, a smirk dancing in her lips as well.

'You have gotten better.' Decoris commented, taking the napkin offered to her by her knight as she dabbed on her face and neck, wiping off the sweat. Monroe just shrugged, placing the wooden swords back on the rack. 'I have always been better. I merely can't just defeat the best.'

Decoris released a laugh, shaking her head. 'Only a student can defeat her teacher. Remember that Monroe.'

Decoris jumped down from the raised platform that they had been sparring on, Monroe catching up to her instantly. 'True, but I don't intend to do that anytime, you know that Your Grace.'

Decoris simply smirked, pushing her braided hair behind her that had come loose during the dwell. She knew Monroe would never betray her. Decoris was her saviour and her loyalty lied to her. And although some people do end up biting the hand that feeds them, Decoris knew Monroe wasn't one. She knew Monroe like the back of her hand, she knew her like no one else did. She wouldn't need to read her mind to know if she ever plans to betray her.

Decoris knew all that, but she simply continued to smirk as the two headed inside the castle, not entertaining Monroe with her thoughts. Instead, she asked. "So what's for today?"

"You have a council meeting in two hours, to discuss the growth in Former Bear Tribe. Next you have lunch with Lord Hezo. I think he wants you to accompany him tomorrow when he lives for Former Bear Tribe." Monroe narrated, bringing a frown on Decoris' face. "Hezo? Didn't he leave yet?"

Lord Hezo was the leader of the Hezo clan and now he was the governor of the Former Bear Tribe.

Monroe shook her head with a sigh. "I'm afraid not Your Grace. He has been delaying until he had the chance to have lunch with you. And like I said, he wants you to go along with him tomorrow."

"And why would I do that?"

"Because it's essential."

Decoris stopped dead in her tracks, swirling around and staring at Monroe with no emotion at all, but that was even scarier for Monroe as she stopped walking as well, looking down at her feet. "Apologies if I was out of place. But as much as Lord Hezo infuriates you and has his own reason to ask you to accompany him, I believe it's high time you visited Former Bear Tribe. You need to see how things are being handled there with your own eyes."

"And why must I do that?" Monroe wasn't surprised with Decoris' question. She knew Decoris and her habit of asking the reason behind everything. And she was prepared with one. "There is only as much you can believe from what Lord Hezo has to say. We don't know for sure how much of what he tells is the truth."

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