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Jisoo slashed at another demon, cutting it in two halves with frustration and exhaustion building inside her as she clutched onto Tan's soft fur, sitting atop him while he rode her around her battle field.

With a grunt, Jisoo pushed her lightning sword behind her, while Tan tore yet another demon to pieces.

This was getting boring real fast.

"Jisoo?" Came the tired voice of Taehyung, yet he sounded as calm as anything, as if this whole 'kill the demons' game was already boring him as well. "How much longer are we going to keep doing this?"

Jisoo didn't have the time to answer, for just then the large wings of Jojo flashed from the night sky, slowly coming down to Jisoo's level as she looked at the guardian on top of the bird.

"He's right Jisoo. What on earth are we doing? How long are we going to keep killing demons? They don't seem to stop." Jugyoung claimed, freezing incoming demons with just a flick of her wrist.

Jisoo huffed, knowing that they were right. It had been hours since the battle started, and hours since they have been killing demons.

And that was it. That was all they had been doing. Killing demons.

The ever ending number of demons never stopped, and so they had buried themselves in killing those rather than getting the main work done, getting to Lucifer.

He was playing them like pieces on a chess board, making them do whatever he wanted. He was tiring them out, wasting their time as he watched with his family while his people sacrificed themselves for a cause not even worth fighting for.

Jisoo knew this had to stop. They had to stop wasting time and get to the point already. Jisoo had to end this war, but in order to do that, she had to get to Lucifer.

In the midst of all the chaos, Jisoo sat atop Tan, glaring at the far away figure of Lucifer and his family, while all he did was stand and watch. Slowly but surely, she unmounted from Tan, her sword disappearing while her cape fluttered behind her.

All the while Taehyung and Jugyoung watched her, but now Jisoo's attention was on the blood red sky as she tilted her head backwards staring up at it.

"Not yet."


"We will get to Lucifer, but not yet." Jisoo announced, her eyes still trained on the sky. The duo could not understand what she meant, so Jisoo pointed up at the sky, but more importantly, pointed up at the moon.

"We strike when it's an eclipse. That's when he will be the weakest."

Taehyung's eyebrows furrowed, slowly connecting the dots. "The eclipse? The one we have been seeing in our nightmares?"


"How do you know that?" Jugyoung asked, getting down from Jojo as well.

"The Deity of Life told me."

No one said anything after that, but slowly, the Guardian's and artists had noticed the three, and were slowly beginning to approach them, feeling this battle to be tiresome as well.

While the rest of them decided to come up with a better plan, Jisoo stared on at the group of Devils, her eyes never leaving them. And it seemed like Lucifer was watching her too, for a scowl remained edged on his face, unlike the usual calm that he displayed.

This made Jisoo smile. He was wary, which was unlike him. Something had changed in the plan that Lucifer didn't see coming. Good for her, she would use it to her extent.

The red sky above them darkened even more, turning a crimson shade with black clouds. And by the rumbling sounds of thunder, Jisoo knew it would soon rain.

The eclipse would come. The rain would pour. The doors of Hell will open. Darkness will evade the world.

Just like that time. Only back then, Decoris had sacrificed herself before the Devil got to her. This time, the Devil was already here, so she had to do things cautiously.

Lightning struck the ground, at the same time Jisoo looked up at the moon, a sly smile building on her face.

The Eclipse was here.

It was time.

"Jisoo. It's the Eclipse." Sehul said, to which Jisoo nodded. When no reply came, Sehul continued. "We know what to do now. The six of us will go to Lucifer, while the rest of them will stay behind and keep the demons at bay."

The plan was a good one, but Jisoo was having second thoughts of leaving the idols alone again. The last time they did that...

"It won't happen again, if that's what you are thinking about." Jimin spoke up softly, giving her a reassuring smile. Jisoo smiled back, hoping that he was right, that it won't happen again. Hopefully.

Slowly she nodded, and then everyone else followed, before they all prepared themselves in a fighting stance, staring straight ahead at the invaders.

And like the sunshine he was, Hoseok found this the best time to whistle. "Is this France all over again?"

"Looks to me much much more than that." Namjoon replied dryly. This caught the attention of the others as Taeyeon voiced her thoughts out loud. "What happened in France?"

"Long story." Jungkook replied with a chuckle, followed by the rest of them. The next to speak up was Rose. "I sure would like to hear about it."

SeokJin laughed, surprising himself as to how he could afford to laugh at a situation like this. "Oh don't worry! You can ask our Jonghyun hyung here about the details! I'm sure he would like to fill you in."

Jonghyun grunted in response while the others snickered. "That was a long time ago."

"Not long ago for us though."

Despite the impending danger ahead of them, the friends were finally starting to feel at ease, hopeful that things might actually work out for the better. They finally had a sliver of hope that perhaps they will make it out alive.

And this didn't look really nice to Lucifer as he snarled, already feeling his pride hurt ever since he watched the idols walk back in, still alive. The mere sight of them breathing had caused a sudden fear in his heart, and he was starting to be doubtful about his plans.

The chuckles and snickers finally died down, and the seriousness returned.

Turning to her boys, Jisoo smiled at each of them one last time, a promise in her eyes that they would all return back, safe and sound, and they would throw this all behind them once and for all.

Then she turned to her guardians, and they all nodded at each other, ready to finish this.

And as they prepared together, their avatars joined them, some growling, one hissing and another cawing threateningly.

While Lucifer stared at the band of fighters who were bold enough to try to stop him, Jisoo smirked, the same time six guardians eyes glowed the colour of their abilities, and all around them the multi coloured balls of light raised up, ready to advance as well.

And then, time slowed down.

Everyone held their breath, even the demons. The only sound remained was the heart beating of the idols, determined looks in their faces.

Then, Jisoo screamed the command, raising her hand up in a fist.


And time resumed again.


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