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"Love, Jina."

Jina ended the letter she was writing, placing her quill down and removing her glasses as she stared at the letter on her desk, the ink settling in the blue parchment. She heaved in a long breath, her mind in a whirl world of thoughts as she wished that this letter wouldn't be necessary. That it was just for formality. But she had to write it nonetheless.

Just in case.

Footsteps echoed outside her room, before the door opened and Jonghyun stepped in, back to his usual formal clothing and not the robes of Hell. He looked more like himself in the last two days, Jina made sure he did and that no traces of Hell remained in him.

The said man stared at the deity while she stared back in alarm, before he finally began speaking. "Jina, your shield. It disappeared."


Jonghyun knitted his eyebrows at Jinas' question, while the deity stood up, walking away from her desk. "What do you mean again? Has this happened before?"

Jina nodded. "Yeah. The day you showed up, my shield vanished all of a sudden. Did it disappear again?"

Jonghyun nodded grimly, to which she sighed, running her finger through her blue mane. "Fine. I will fix it."

Agreeing, Jonghyun began walking out before Jina called back for him, startling him and herself.

"Reaper- I mean, Jonghyun?" Jina called, stopping the said man in his tracks. Jonghyun didn't know how to react to the fact that Jina had gotten so used to calling him The Reaper and not his real name. He had known the Deity of Time for as long as he could remember, considering the fact that she was one of the first beings to interact with him after his death apart from his Grim Reaper coworkers and the Angel of Death. Jina was his first friend, the one who brought him here and gave him a place to live. He had always admired her, even in his emotionless form, and now that he was aware of his true nature, he couldn't help but admire her even more, knowing the kind of person she is. He was, by all means, grateful to have befriended her.

"Yes?" He asked, deciding to ignore the fact that the name Reaper almost slipped out of her mouth. Jina walked back to her desk and picked up the blue letter before placing it in a navy blue envelope and walking back to Jonghyun and giving it to him. "Take this."

"What is this?" Jonghyun asked curiously, feeling the urge to open the envelope when Jina stopped him abruptly. "Don't. It's for Jisoo."


Jonghyun looked up at Jina and he couldn't help but notice how very serious she was. "Jisoo? But she's not here-"

"I know. And that's why I'm giving it to you. Once Jisoo returns, I might ask you to give back the letter. But if I don't, you may take that as your queue to give it to Jisoo." Jina explained solemnly, all the while Jongyuns eyes grew wider. "You mean...she...she will come back? Did you find out what happened in the past?"

Blue cerulean eyes locked with pitch black ones as Jina's thoughts finally registered ever since finding out the truth and travelling back in time. She stared at Jonghyun with her emotions masked, unsure of what to answer. The look in Jonghyun's eyes was pleading as if he was begging her to tell him she found out. And she did. So that's why the next thing she did was smile softly, her eyes slightly crinkling as she nodded. "I have."

A huge smile stretched in Jonghyun's face, and Jina couldn't help but widen her smile as well as she released a soft laugh, finding the Grim Reapers reaction amusing. Jonghyun really was excited. "Let's go check it now then."

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