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Bakugo mentally cursed at himself for his stupidity. This predicament was technically his fault, after all.

It was late at night when Bakugo went outside to blow off some steam. Of course, out of everyone in the whole dorms to be awake at that time, it had to be Deku. He wasn't sure why, but that night, the boy was pissing him off more than usual, so he did the only thing reasonable for the situation, and fought him.

They sparred for a bit, Bakugo getting dangerously close to killing Midoriya when he slipped and accidentally blew up half of the dorm in the process.

Now they were here. The whole class of 1-A was standing in the middle of the night at the gate of the dormitory entrance, waiting on instructions from Aizawa on what they would be doing next.

Eventually some staff came back from the half-collapsed building with tired eyes and annoyed expressions.

"Well..." Mr. Aizawa exclaimed, "almost half of the dorms got destroyed in these two's irresponsible stunt-" he motioned to Bakugo and Midoriya briefly, "so until we can repair the damages, you will all be sharing rooms with each other."

Quiet gasps and whispers filled the chilled night air, causing Aizawa to sigh and rub his eyes from exhaustion. "Those who haven't had their room demolished will get an assigned room partner and that will be it, no complaints." He pulled out some spare keys to different dorm rooms, and handed them out accordingly.

Once he was finished explaining everything, Aizawa left the students and made his way to his room in the dorms, relieved that his room wasn't one of the ones that was destroyed.

     The class began moving about, searching for each other's new roommate. Bakugo noticed he hadn't received a key, happy that he got to sleep in his own dorm at least. He just hoped his new roommate wasn't someone who overly pissed him off. He sighed and left the class to head to sleep, not bothering to see who has his matching key.


     Midoriya looked down at his key with a puzzled face. No one around had the same number on their key as him. Kirishima noticed the boy's confusion and checked his key for him. The redhead let out an awkward whistle sound before locking eyes with Midoriya, giving him a pitiful gaze. "That's Bakugo's room. Good luck, man." He stated simply before leaving and heading inside the dorms with most of the class.

     Midoriya looked to see who was left. Uraraka and Tsu were there, probably being roommates. Iida was stood outside, making sure everyone had found where their rooms are. Todoroki was awkwardly standing to the side for a minute, but then hastily left to go inside.

     Uraraka skipped over to Midoriya with a kind smile. "Who did you get paired with, Deku-kun?" She asked excitedly. Midoriya wished he could be as excited about this rooming situation, but he could only imagine how it was gonna go.

     "O-oh! I'm pared with Kacchan." He told her with a nervous smile.

     "But didn't you two cause the dorm problem in the first place? Why would Aizawa-sensei put you two together?" She asked thoughtfully, causing Midoriya to shrug in return.

     "Maybe he wants us to work together? Either that or he'll wait until Kacchan kills me and then there won't be anymore problems." He joked even though that was exactly what he was worrying about.

     "Well good luck Deku-kun! Tsu and I are gonna head to bed so I'll see you tomorrow!" She said as she began heading back inside, leaving Midoriya to take a quick breather before following suit. He took the elevator to the fourth floor and headed over to Bakugo's door, only to find Todoroki standing there with his hand on the handle.

"Todoroki, what are you doing at Kacchan's door?" He asked with both brows raised.

"I was roomed with Mineta, but asked to switch so I guess we were put in a group of three, sorry." He said quietly with an emotionless face. Midoriya could understand where the other was coming from. No one wants to even room next to the grape-headed boy.

"It's alright, Todoroki-kun. Kacchan and I won't mind." Midoriya reassured with a smile. He was personally fine with having an extra person to room with, but Kacchan was probably going to lose his shit.

The two student's unlocked the door, only to realize Bakugo was already asleep in his bed. They both let out a breath they didn't know they were holding. That gave them another few hours of solace before the arrogant teen awakes and chaos unleashes.

     Midoriya quickly too note of the lack of beds in the room - so far the only bed being Bakugo's. There was a small couch in the corner for one person, but besides that it was a standard room with a desk and wardrobe.

     Todoroki turned to face Midoriya with a monotone expression. "You can sleep on the couch if you want. I can use the floor."

     "No. I can sleep on the floor and you can take the couch." Midoriya argued back, careful to keep his voice down and not wake up the ticking time bomb a few feet away.

Todoroki was way ahead of the other and was already laying one of the spare blankets on the floor with one of the two couch pillows. He sat down and curled the think blanket around himself before laying his head down on the pillow to sleep.

Midoriya sighed before heading to the couch and tucking himself into a blanket and heading to sleep. His last thought being: 'I hope I don't get murdered in my sleep.' before he fell into a dreamless slumber.


     Midoriya woke up to a loud bang shaking the room. He jumped off of the couch to face his surroundings, meeting eyes with an outraged Bakugo, his eyes filled murderous intent. He noticed Todoroki was also awake, sitting up off the floor and watching Bakugo tiredly.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU IDIOTS DOING HERE?!" Bakugo's eyes were filled with rage as he stared the sudden intruders down.

"W-we are y-y-your new roommates, K-Kacchan..." Midoriya stuttered, an explosion hitting the wall next to his head causing him to jump.

"I WON'T SHARE A ROOM WITH EITHER OF YOU! FUCKING DEKU IS BAD ENOUGH, BUT HALF 'N HALF MAKES IT EVEN WORSE!!" Bakugo shouted, sending another explosion towards Todoroki, who just barely dodged it.

"It's not our fault that Mr. Aizawa put us in the same room. Talk to him if you have an issue." Todoroki sighed as he stood up from the floor and stretched his back with a wince. Turns out sleeping on the floor isn't very comfortable.

"Fine." Bakugo huffed as he left the room, slamming the door angrily behind him.

"Well that went better than expected..." Midoriya trailed off at the end. He expected Bakugo to at least send him flying into the wall, so this was a surprise.

     "I'm surprised he didn't blow up the other half of the building." Todoroki commented thoughtfully, making Midoriya chuckle.

     "Do you think Aizawa will move us rooms?" Midoriya asked as he got up from the couch and began folding all of the bedding to put away.

Todoroki thought about the other's question for a minute, taking in to consideration that this may be Bakugo and Midoriya's punishment for sparring at forbidden times without supervision, and wreaking most of the dorm building. He was probably moved with the two to punish Bakugo more since the blond isn't very fond of him in the first place. It all made more sense now.

"No. Probably not." Todoroki shrugged as he too began folding his blanket to put away. Bakugo's room was surprisingly clean. Everything was put away nicely and it was decorated with a few trinkets, completely opposite to his own, plain bedroom. Todoroki would take tips for when his room was rebuilt.

Bakugo reentered his room with scowl on his face and small sparks emitting from his hand. Midoriya was about to ask what Aizawa had decided, but a hiss from the explosive teen explained enough for them.

     They were stuck together.

Roommates?! (TodoBakuDeku)Where stories live. Discover now