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Todoroki grabbed a glass from the cabinet and filled it with water. He took a sip and mentally sighed as the soothing taste. There was a slight headache nagging at the back of his skull, begging him to take an acetaminophen pill.
     The boy was so focused on trying to soothe his aching head, that he didn't even realize the person sneaking up from behind him.

     "Hi, Todoroki-kun! How are you?" Uraraka's cheerful voice asked from behind, causing the boy's adrenaline to spike, then fall.
"Hello, Uraraka." He turned around and greeted her with a small wave. "How are you?"

"I'm good! Thanks for asking." The brunet replied happily before taking a deep breath. "I was wondering if Deku was okay? He hasn't been around a lot, and neither have you, so I just wanted to check up and make sure that you're okay." Her face morphed into a more worried one at the mention of her friends possibly being in a bad spot. She knew something was up, though, so she had to keep asking.

"Yeah, we're okay." Todoroki responded with the most nonchalant expression he could muster. "Izuku and I have been training a lot is why we're never around." He added for effect.
      Uraraka's eyes practically popped out of her head at the mention of her friend's first name. "I-Izuku?!" She squealed with disbelief. "When did you start calling him by his first name?" The brunette was practically bouncing with excitement. She understood their peculiar behaviour now. It all made sense.

     "Hm? Oh." The boy understood his mixup and looked to the ground from embarrassment. The checkered-tiles seemed much more interesting than the current conversation.
"OHMYGODYOUANDDEKUARE DATING!!!" Uraraka's prediction was proven correct when the boy scrunched up, causing a unnaturally large smile to form on her face.
"We are, but please keep it down Uraraka-san. We'd rather not tell anyone yet." Todoroki shushed her in an instant, only providing half of the truth. He thought it would be best to not share that part of their relationship, since Bakugo made it quite clear that he wanted his addition to be kept a secret.
"That's awesome, Todoroki-kun! So, how long have you two been together." She asked and wiggled her eyebrows teasingly.
     "Around a week." He replied with his back turned to the girl as he was looking in the fridge for any leftover soba. There wasn't any.
"Aww! You guys are such a cute couple!"
     "Thanks. I'm going back to my room now. Good night, Uraraka." Todoroki didn't wait for a response before leaving the kitchen to head upstairs. That was an uncomfortable conversation.

Todoroki opened the door to Bakugo's room, his eyes widening at the sight in front of him. Izuku was laying on top of Katsuki's chest, fast asleep while the blond scrolled through his phone. The agressive boy looked up in alarm, only to relax when he met the familiar heterochromic eyes.
Katsuki mumbled a few angry cursed while his adrenaline calmed back down, carful with his volume to not wake the sleeping boy on top of him. The last thing he wanted was a crying, sleepy Deku to deal with.
    Shoto carefully sat down on the edge of the bed and took a sip of water from the glass. It was quiet, peaceful. He liked it for a change.

     "How's your sleep?" Katsuki mindlessly asked as he gently ran his fingers through Izuku's hair.

Shoto froze at the question. In truth, he had barely been sleeping at all. Whether it was the nightmares constantly waking him, or the anxiety of having another horrifying dream keeping him from slumber, he wasn't able to get more than three hours a night. It was a mystery how he was still going at this point. The dark circle under his right eye would be a major giveaway if it weren't for the drugstore concealer he'd bought a few days ago to hide it. The skin around his left eye lost most of its feeling years ago after the incident, so it wouldn't change colour no matter how many days he avoided sleep.

"Earth to Shoto. Are you going deaf of something?" Katsuki snarled, causing Shoto to look up from his glass with surprise. The blond hadn't said something that harsh to him since they began dating. It was an unfamiliar attitude that he was not a fan of.
"Shit... sorry. It wasn't meant to come out like that." Katsuki frowned in shame, and he stopped playing with Izuku's hair.
     "It's fine, I forgive you." Shoto knew that the explosive teen was trying not to yell at his boyfriends, and that he feels better when he receives forgiveness rather than his mistakes being pushed aside.

     "How are you actually feeling? Don't try to evade the truth either." He went back to  the original topic with the usual bite in his tone.
Shoto hesitated. "I could be better, though it's nothing to worry about, Katsuki." The boy sugar coated his reply to not worry his protective boyfriend, even though he could see right through the heterochromic boy.
"Bullshit. Don't lie to me." Shoto flinched a bit at the harsh tone. It scared and amazed him how the blond could be so intimidating even when whispering.
     "I haven't slept well." He confessed, a frown forming on his pale lips. Shoto noticed something changed in Katsuki, and his stern, protective look washed away instantly.
     "You can stay in my room, then. Just make sure no one suspects anything and sees you come in or leave. The damn nerd will be staying anyways." The blond was about to say something else, but was interrupted by a sleepy voice.
     "Cuddle me Shoochan." Izuku whined in his tired state, causing Katsuki to flick his head out of annoyance.

     The greenette's plea surprised Shoto and made him realize just how exhausted he was. Katsuki must have noticed it too, and with an eye roll, gestured for him to join them under the covers of the small bed.

     Shoto hesitantly set his glass on the desk and stiffly crawled under the covers, relaxing when he felt the small-yet-muscular arms of Izuku wrap around his waist. Katsuki reached over and flicked the lantern beside them off, enclosing the room in complete darkness.

     It was silent for a few seconds before Katsuki reluctantly spoke up. "G'night Icyhot."

     "Goodnight, Katsuki."

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