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Bakugo woke up with a jolt. He looked around, seeing it was still dark out and wondering what had woken him up at such an early hour of the morning. It was colder than normal, which was odd because Bakugo usually turned the AC down before bed at night. He could remember turning it down as well, but shrugged it off as maybe someone turned it up after he went to bed.

Besides the temperature, nothing seemed out of the ordinary so Bakugo laid his head back down and closed his eyes again, only to hear what sounded like a whimper from the other side of the room. Huh? He sat up and surveyed his surroundings again, his eyes finally locking in the couch in the corner of the room.

     "Icyhot?" Bakugo whispered quietly. When he got no reply, the Pomeranian groaned and dragged himself off his bed and creeped over to the couch. "Oi! Icyhot!" He whisper-yelled again. With closer inspection, Bakugo could now see the patches of ice covering the heterochromic boy's arms, face, and the surrounding walls and furniture.

     Todoroki made a pained face in his sleep, startling Bakugo and making him flinch back a bit. He'd never seen the boy give more than a slight curved lip to show emotion, causing him to freak out.

"Oi! Wake up!" Bakugo hissed as he shook the other's shoulder lightly. "Wake the hell up before you freeze us all, idiot!"

Todoroki shot up from the couch, panting heavily as if he'd just ran a marathon. Bakugo jumped back a bit and the heterochromic boy nervously looked around the room to see any damage he had caused. When he saw it was only the wall, he sighed in relief. "S-sorry."

     "What was that?" Bakugo asked with narrowed eyes. He noticed Todoroki shiver a bit from the cold, which was an unusual sight for the boy since he's pretty used to his quirk temperatures by now.

     "It's nothing." Todoroki shrugged as he propped himself up in a more comfortable position, his breath evening out.

     "Tsk. It can't be nothing you half and half bastard." The blond scoffed and rolled his eyes from the other's obvious fib. Todoroki may be able to lie to other people, but not him.

Bakugo glared at the boy with an intensity that made him shrink into the couch a bit, causing him to sigh and have to quickly think up an explanation he could give to not get a big reaction from the blond. "It was just a bad dream. Nothing serious." He answered calmly, his exterior looking collected again like usual.

Bakugo eyed the boy suspiciously for another few seconds, and then groaned and walked back to his bed. "Just don't wake me up again." He said before crawling under the covers and going back to sleep.


Midoriya woke up with a yawn and sat up slowly. He looked around to see Bakugo sleeping, and assumed Todoroki had already gone for breakfast. It was a Saturday, so there was no classes for the day which was a relief.

The green-haired teen hopped out of bed and stretched a bit. He went to put on some clothes, but then remembered he only had a his pyjamas and new school uniform from the teachers. All of his clothes were burned in the explosion, so he'd have to buy more. Todoroki was probably experiencing the same problem, so Midoriya decided to invite him and whoever else needed clothes to go shopping later that afternoon.

Midoriya went down the stairs, skipping the last few steps as he jumped and landed at the bottom. He opened the door to the common area, seeing a few of his friends around the room, but no Todoroki. 'He's probably just busy. I'll see him later.' Midoriya shrugged as he grabbed an apple and went to sit with some of his friends on the couch.

"Morning Deku-kun!" Uraraka greeted with a big smile as she gave an enthusiastic wave.

     "Morning Midoriya." Lida said with a formal head nod.

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