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"Was it real?" Todoroki suddenly spoke up. "-what you did." He clarified, causing Midoriya to go bright red as the memories from the closet came to mind.


     Bakugo's ears turned a dark shade of red and he casted his gaze to the floor, much more interested in the small scratches and dents in the floorboards than the current conversation.

     "So, you wouldn't be mad if I did this?..." Todoroki asked as he got up from the couch and slowly walked towards the bed. He briefly stopped in front of Bakugo before he inched closer and boldly took a seat on his lap,choosing to face him and awkwardly wrap his arms around his neck in a sort of hug-straddle position.

"W-what the hell are you doing, Icyhot?" The blond stuttered a bit as he looked anywhere expect at his roommates. Todoroki grabbed his chin and gently pulled his head to face him properly. "Fuck off." He exhaled, looking into the all-too familiar heterochromic eyes.

"Okay. I'm sure Midoriya would appreciate me..." Todoroki said with a smirk as he slipped off of Bakugo's lap and turned to the broccoli-haired boy.

Midoriya's face turned a deep shade of red when he met the other's bi-coloured eyes. Todoroki sat behind the smaller and wrapped his arms and legs around him, resting his head on his shoulder tiredly.

"So you leave me and make me watch you cuddle? Damn." Bakugo pouted his lips and looked down to pretend to be sad which seemed to work since he was suddenly pulled to his feet and shoved onto the other bed.

     "You're an idiot." Todoroki fondly rolled his eyes and shook his head as they all laid down and got under the covers. Bakugo was on one side of the bed, Midoriya in the middle and Todoroki on the other side.

     "S-so what are we?" Midoriya asked in a quiet voice. He wanted to know if this was just a friendly thing or if it was more than that.

"Are three-way relationships a thing?" Todoroki asked with furrowed brows of puzzlement. He'd never heard of three people dating each other before.

"Three-way relationships are obviously a thing, dumb-ass. They're just super uncommon and people are dicks about it." Bakugo answered with his face shoved in Midoriya's pillow, causing the other two to chuckle a bit.

"I'd be up for that if you guys were.." Midoriya said with a nervous smile, changing the light-hearted mood to a more serious one.

     "Same." Todoroki agreed with a nod of confirmation. He wouldn't lie saying he didn't have some sort of romantic feelings for the both of them.

     "It's obvious what I want." Bakugo said with a shrug, causing the memories of what happened in the closet to arise and make Midoriya's face turn more red if that was even possible.

     "Does that make us significant others?" Todoroki asked.

     "It makes us boyfriends, dumb-ass." Bakugo chuckled and used his arm to lightly smack his oblivious boyfriend on the chest.

     "Could I maybe call you Shochan, Todoroki?" Midoriya looked away from the two-toned boy as he spoke, embarrassed with his question.

"Sure. Are we going to use a first name basis or should we continue our regular formalities?" Todoroki asked and got an immediate reply.

"First names when no one's around, last names if any classmates or teachers are listening."  Bakugo instructed rather than suggested, getting two nods of approval anyways.

"Okay... Katsuki.." Todoroki slowly said his name, testing the way it rolled off his tongue. It was different, but not in a bad way.

"Shoto." Bakugo challenged with a flirtatious smirk.

"You guys are gonna drive me nuts." Midoriya huffed with exasperation.

"Yep." Todoroki replied flatly, causing the other's to break out laughing.

     "Okay, okay. Can we go to bed? I'm tired." Midoriya asked before they got too riled up and wouldn't be able to fall asleep.

"Fine. Goodnight nerds." Bakugo reached to the side table and turned off the lamp that was illuminating the bedroom, leaving them in darkness.




     Todoroki woke up with a jolt. He surveyed in his surroundings and took in any damage he caused. The wall behind him had some ice spreading up to the ceiling and making some of the wallpaper tear. His entire right arm was covered in frost and small ice pieces, causing him to shiver. He winced as he moved his arm a bit, letting some of the ice fall onto the floor.

     Todoroki sat up and took a deep breath to calm his raging nerves. The nightmares were only getting worse and more dangerous when he woke up. He was beginning to fear falling asleep in case of hurt someone with his ice. Especially since he was rooming with Midor- Izuku and Kasuki. The names still felt foreign.

     Todoroki got up from bed and stretched, glancing at the clock on Bakugo's nightstand as he did so. '4:17' it read. He can run on that.

Entering the kitchen, it was cooler than usual and a bit ominous. Todoroki shivered a little as he was still cold from the ice that was slowly melting since he couldn't use his fire inside, not a good feeling. He went to the fridge and opened it, looking for one thing in particular. His eyes brightened when he found a small container of cold soba in the back and pulled it out eagerly. Todoroki grabbed a pair of chopsticks and sat at the island in the kitchen, taking a mouthful of soba to chew on and relaxing at the comforting taste.

The sound of soft footsteps made the boy glance up from his meal, a few seconds later his eyes meeting squinted red ones.

"You fucked up my wall, Icyhot." Bakugo's gruff voice sounded loud in the silent room even though he was whispering.

"Sorry. I'll fix it once Midoriya wakes up." Todoroki replied in his usual emotionless tone. He saw the blond role his eyes as he tiredly trudged over and sat down in the chair next to him.

"I don't care. It's not like you to cause destruction, though." Bakugo pointed out and tilted his head so it was resting on the other's shoulder. Todoroki flinched at the touch and his muscles tightened, causing Bakugo to sit back up and chose to lean on the table instead. He didn't want his boyfriend to feel uncomfortable with him.

     "Sorry. My quirk goes out of control if I have a bad dream." Todoroki explained with downcast eyes. The dream that woke him up tonight replayed in his head, making him squeeze his eyes shut for a second.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Bakugo mumbled from his arms on the table.

     Todoroki slurped some of his soba as he thought about an answer. "No, but it might be beneficial if you knew." He paused for a moment to gather his thoughts. "My old man was a pretty bad parent. He only married my mom because of her quirk so he could have a child so strong that it could surpass All Might. My other siblings had regular powers, expect for Toya who lost his sanity from the pressure and accidentally burned himself to death...." Todoroki's eyes flared with anger and bottled-up emotions, though the rest of him stayed composed. "I was his successor, and he would train me to be the best. Eventually he drove my mom into insanity as well and she burned me with a tea kettle because half of my face looked like him and she was startled. He sent her away to a psychiatric ward after that and continued to train me." He paused for another few moments to calm down. He hated talking about his past. "Sometimes when I sleep, I get flashbacks of some unpleasant moments from my childhood and I guess my quirk just freaks out because of my distress levels."

     Bakugo sat in shock. He knew Todoroki's father was a bad man, but this was horrifying. How could one kid live with so much trauma and not go completely insane?

     The blond sat up and wordlessly wrapped his arms around the heterochromic boy to form a hug, which he surprisingly accepted.

     "Things will get better."

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