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Todoroki awoke with a jolt. Damn. I probably passed out around 2am... Well, I should get ready for school. I get to stay at the dorms again, except endeavour thinks I'll have my own private room and will be training extra hard. Joke's on him.

The teen chuckled a bit as he packed a small bag of clothes and necessities, then got dressed into his uniform and left without a goodbye. He would see his family sometime later.

On the way to school, Todoroki couldn't help but sigh with relief about the fact that he wouldn't be trapped at home with his family anymore. He loves his brother and sister, but they can be quite annoying. The time when they were home alone and wanted to see if Shoto could produce lava with his fire side came to mind, and how they almost burnt the house down in the failed process. They were grounded for weeks after that, with training taking up most of his days.

     Todoroki chuckled at the first part of the memory, the after effects weren't so peachy though.

     Eventually UA came into view, and the heterochromic boy quietly entered the dorms. It was just after 5 in the morning, so almost everyone would be asleep. He tiptoed upstairs and went to his temporary dorm, unlocking the door with the key he still had.

     Bakugo's eyes shot opened and he sat up defensively in less than a second. He turned to the door, ready to kill the intruder until he met those familiar bi-coloured eyes. It was silent for a moment, as neither boy knew what to do or say.

     "What the fuck are you doing here, Icyhot?" He asked in whisper and looked at the alarm clock with squinted eyes, seeing it was 5:30am.

     Todoroki wasn't sure how to respond. Did Midoriya change his mind and not want him to be their roommate anymore? Did he not tell Bakugo about the arrangement they made?

"Sorry. Midoriya invited me back but if you don't want me to stay in here, I can leave." Todoroki answered in his usual monotone voice to not show his worry. He didn't want to stay anywhere else. It was odd, but Midoriya and Bakugo were surprisingly great roommates.

"Nah, you're fine. Just go to bed or be quiet." The blond said before laying back down and falling asleep.

Todoroki stood there for another moment, stunned by the other's kind behaviour towards him of all people. It felt refreshing being welcomed. He finally sat down on the edge of the couch and set his bag beside him on the floor. There was still another hour until sunrise, so he decided to pass the time by playing games on his phone.

     Eventually there was a small shuffling noise from the other side of the room and Todoroki looked up from his phone to see Bakugo getting out of bed. The two rivals met eyes for a moment before the blond walked to the wardrobe with a grunt and rummaged through it to find his school uniform. He found it quickly and began to remove his shirt, causing Todoroki's eyes to widen a bit as he looked back down at his phone to avoid the scene.

     "You good?" Bakugo aggressively asked the other but forgot to whisper and accidentally woke Midoriya up.

     "K-Kacchan? What's wrong?" The drowsy teen asked as he sat up while tiredly rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. He opened his eyes and looked around the unlit room with confusion. "Todoroki? What're you doing here?" Midoriya asked with confusion before his eyes widened with excitement and he jumped out of bed and gave the heterochromic boy a quick hug. "I'm happy you're back!" He said and flashed a smile.

"Me too." Todoroki replied in a hushed tone. It felt good to not have other's worrying about him again.

     "Oi. You can kiss later, nerds. I don't want roundface intruding and getting her germs all over my room while waiting for your slow ass to get ready. So chop chop!" Bakugo sneered as he finished getting dressed and began to pack his bag.

Midoriya jumped away from Todoroki, a light blush covering his face. "W-we weren't k-kissing, Kacchan!" He denied with a flustered tone that made the blond chuckle.

"Mhm, sure. Keep telling yourselves that." Bakugo hummed smugly before picking up his bag and leaving without another word.

Midoriya exhaled as he shakily began to pack his own school supplies for the day, Todoroki following suit as they both quietly got ready.


"Todoroki." Aizawa called the heterochromic boy with a wave that told him he wanted to talk.

     "Is everything okay? You seem off today." The man got straight to the point once Todoroki was stood in front of him.

"..." He wasn't sure how to respond to the question. Endeavour would certainly be angry if anyone found out about the intense 'training' sessions, and everyone else would be worried. The cons outweighed the pros by a long shot.

"Is the roommate situation not going to work out with you three? I don't want you falling behind in you're studies because of this, so if you need to move rooms, just say so." The teacher said with kind and reassuring eyes.

     If only he knew...


     "Kacchan, give it back!!" Midoriya pleaded as he chased said boy through their room.

"Nah." Bakugo chuckled as he used an explosion to send him elegantly flying towards the wall across from them.

Midoriya activated his quirk and sprung into action, sloppily tackling the other to the ground in one go. When they recovered from their tumble, both teens realized how close they were to each other. Midoriya was laying on top of Bakugo and pinning his arms down, their faces only an inch apart.

The two teens froze for a moment, neither knowing what to say or do. The door opening was what caused them to look up and meet eyes with their other roommate who had one eyebrow raised in question.

"Sorry for interrupting." Todoroki said before awkwardly turning around and leaving.

Bakugo looked back up at Midoriya who was now practically sitting on his chest, a bright red blush covering his entire face and ears.

"Oi, piss off." Bakugo growled as he finally sat up, making sure to give the other time to get off of him so he didn't fall over. "God, you're such a klutz, nerd." He jabbed a weak insult to cover his own blush that was quickly spreading across his face as he tossed the stollen eraser back to the other.

     "S-sorry Kacchan!" Midoriya squeaked with a flustered tone.


     Todoroki walked down the hall as he processed what he'd just saw. Out of everything, there was only one question that remained in his head.

     Is Bakugo a bottom?

Roommates?! (TodoBakuDeku)Where stories live. Discover now