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Shoto rubbed his eyes tiredly as he descended the stairs to the first floor. Him and Izuku had woken up around 8 o'clock but hadn't left their room until 9:30, mostly spending the morning laying around Izuku's room until they were sure the main room wouldn't be so crowded.
     Activating his quirk, Shoto placed a hand over Izuku's and then his own eyes to settle the swelling. The cool feeling made him internally sigh with relief, and he assumed Izuku felt the same.

"Good morning Deku, Todoroki-kun!" Uraraka greeted the two in her usual friendly tone. Todoroki half-glared at her with a dead-panned expression before simply nodding his head and walking past her with Izuku's hand in his.
     The greenette turned and sent his friend a semi-apologetic look before continuing behind Shoto towards the kitchen.

When they entered the room, Izuku's eyebrows immediately shot up at the sweet aromas filling the air. This had to be Katsuki's cooking, meaning that he was here in the dorms currently- or at least he had been in the last few hours.
"Shochan..." Izuku quietly mumbled as he stopped in the doorway of the kitchen. Shoto turned around with concerned eyes and searched his boyfriend's face with worry.
     "What is it, Izuku?"

The boy glanced around the room before looking back to his boyfriend with furrowed brows. "Kacchan cooked breakfast for everyone..." he trailed off as he awkwardly looked at the floor to avoid Shoto's reaction to the information. The possibility of coming face to face with Katsuki before Shoto and Izuku could even eat breakfast didn't sound ideal.It would be easier to speak once everyone had at least some sort of food in their systems.

     Shoto's expression fell a little before a reassuring smile settled on his face. "At least he came home at some point last night." He said in a soft tone.
     Izuku nodded in reply before moving towards the fridge to look for any left overs. He chuckled and passed a small bowl that had Shoto's name on it to the boy, who in turn eagerly unwrapped the top and started eating.

     Izuku noticed a small plate in the fridge that was set aside with plastic wrap covering it and pulled it out curiously.  He unwrapped the plate to reveal two portions of American breakfast set up neatly. Izuku's lips stretched into a small smile from the kind action. This was most definitely Katsuki's doing. He must of knew the two wouldn't come down for breakfast so he set some aside for them. At least Izuku hoped he did.

Pulling both plates out, Izuku handed one to Shoto before closing the fridge and bringing it to the table. The bi-coloured teen sat down next to him and took his hand before eating. Izuku felt his cheeks redden from the action. He could feel the other's thumb gently running across his knuckles, which he couldn't deny felt really nice.

"Do you think Katsuki is going to apologise on his own, or will we have to go to him?" Shoto's asked absentmindedly as he stirred his cold food around with his fork, the metal feeling cold and soothing against his hand.

"No. Kacchan will have to come to us first." Izuku answered quickly. He hated the likelihood of Katsuki's pride permitting him from apologizing, though the greenette still prayed that his childhood friend wouldn't let that be his reason for losing them.

Shoto only nodded in response.


     Katsuki glared at his reflection in the mirror, his fists tightly gripping his pyjama pants to help calm his vibrating nerves.
     He despised the thought of apologizing when Izuku and Shoto owed him an apology as well, though Kirishima did advise him to take the first step. It wasn't that he didn't want to make up with the others. Of course he wanted to be with them again, though the unrealistic ideal of simply being able to knock on Izuku's door, receive a hug, and have everything go back to the way it was sounded so much better to Katsuki than having to use his words.

Taking a deep breath, Katsuki fired a small explosion at the mirror before storming out of his dorm room in search of Izuku and Shoto. He ignored the sound of glass falling to the floor as he slammed the door closed behind him.


     Izuku sat at his desk while messily scribbling some English notes that he missed getting last week after taking a boot to the face in training. Shoto's handwriting was thankfully clean enough to read, and the greenette could trust that his answers were correct.

     The room was uncomfortably empty for Izuku, the silence feeling a little suffocating if he was honest. Shoto's family had requested a visit from him, so he had left a little over a half hour ago, promising he'd be as quick as he could.

Izuku chuckled at the thought of his dependency on Shoto. He could hardly believe how clingy he became in such a sort time. Katsuki would have disagreed, though, attesting that he had always been clingy.


Izuku felt his pencil snap under his grip and dropped the writing utensil with defeat. He hated fighting with Katsuki. The blond was usually a little bitter with him, but they hadn't had a fight to this degree before.
Izuku wondered if Katsuki felt the same way or not. Hell, though. He really hoped that his childhood best friend missed him as much as he did.


Shoto stepped back into the dorm building with a shutter, thankful to escape the chilly day outside.

His visit with his family was nice. Fuyumi and him had chatted about school and work, which thankfully distracted his mind for a while, though Shoto couldn't help but feel the ghost of Izuku's hands in his own while speaking. He seemed to grow more dependant of Izuku over time, though. It wasn't necessarily a bad thing that Shoto was missing his boyfriend's laugh, smile, and soft presence after hardly an hour apart; just a new development for him.
His father would think it was a bad thing, though. Enji thankfully had a meeting at 10, so Shoto only had to speak with him for 15 minutes before the man left. The teen couldn't remember much of that conversation, though. He learned that if he tuned his father out and simply hummed in agreement, nothing bad would happen.

Walking through the common area, Shoto waved at the few classmates around before making his descend up the stairs. He felt a little silly for going straight to Izuku's room and couldn't help but wonder if his boyfriend equally missed him too.

     As Shoto climbed up the last flight of stairs to Izuku's floor, a door a few flights above him suddenly slammed open before agressive thumps echoed through the stairwell as someone made their way downstairs.
     Shoto felt his entire body freeze as the sound neared. The only person with such agression was Katsuki, which meant that he was-

     The boy's thoughts were immediately cut off as his eyes zoned in on Katsuki, who was standing on the platform above him with wide, ruby-red eyes of what appeared to be alarm.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2022 ⏰

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