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     Todoroki looked up from the screen once the movie finished, his eyes widening at the scene before him. Midoriya was leaning on Bakugo while both of them were asleep, both cuddled together. He wasn't sure what to do at this point, but knew if they woke up, Bakugo would certainly kill Midoriya.

     The heterochromic boy blew air out of his mouth and began to quietly clean up the bed, choosing to put their dishes in a small pile on the desk. He decided to not wake the other's up, and left them to sleep in Midoriya's bed. He sat down on the couch and pulled out his phone to check the messages his dad had sent him earlier.

     Three new messages from: ShittyExcuseOfAFather

Shoto, I've just gotten notice about your new roommate situation and don't approve of it at all.

     You will temporarily be staying at home until the dormitories are repaired.

     Be packed and ready to leave tomorrow morning.

     Todoroki looked up from his phone with wide eyes. If he was being honest, he didn't want to leave. He was enjoying having people to hang out with and let some of his guard down around. But his father is his legal guardian and the boss of him, so there was no other option than to pack what little things he had to be ready for the morning.

Todoroki sighed as he laid down on the couch with a blanket, and went to sleep.


     Morning came soon enough, Todoroki waking up to a loud bang and shouting echoing throughout the room. He opened his eyes to see Bakugo pinning Midoriya to the bed with a fist raised and sparks coming out of it, ready to punch at any moment. Without thinking, he sprung up and tackled Bakugo to the floor holding him down as Midoriya got up with nervous eyes.

"GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME ASSHOLE!!!!" The blond shouted, but Todoroki smirked a bit and wouldn't budge, deciding on just sitting on top of him until he calmed down. "GET OFF!! YOU'RE FUCKING HEAVY!!"

     Midoriya watched and laughed at his friends for another minute before heading to the closet to grab some clothes for the day. Bakugo was kind enough to share some space in his wardrobe for them, so they each had a third of the closet to put their stuff into. He noticed Todoroki's clothes weren't on hangers like usual, or in the closet at all for that matter.

"Hey Todoroki-kun, where are your clothes?" The green-haired teen asked but was interrupted by the sound of a phone ringing before he could get an answer.

Todoroki suddenly got up without saying a word, and answered his phone. His face became downcast as he replied with a 'yes' to whoever was speaking on the other end of the call, then hung up.

     "I'm leaving the school until the dorm is repaired. My father doesn't want me to have roommates, so he made an arrangement with the school so I could stay at home but still go to school." The heterochromic boy supplied with a sorrowful expression.

     "What?!" Midoriya yelled, and was followed by Bakugo's yelling aswell.

     "THAT ASSHOLE CAN'T TAKE YOU OUT OF HERE!! HE HAS TO GO THROUGH US FIRST!!" He shouted, causing Todoroki to flinch a bit. Thankfully no one noticed.

     "He's the number one hero, Bakugo. He can do pretty much anything he wants." The heterochromic replied with a bit of sass to his tone. This seemed to anger the blond even more, causing him to emit little sparks from his clenched fists.

     "Isn't there anything we can do, Todoroki?" Midoriya asked with pleading eyes. Why do they care so much?

"No. It's been decided. We'll see each other in class, anyways. See you tomorrow." Todoroki gave a small wave that matched his expressionless face and tone, then left without another word.

Bakugo and Midoriya stood there in shock, both still processing what just happened.

     Todoroki was gone.

"Why do you care so much about him going home, Kacchan?" The green-haired teen suddenly asked with frowned brows of puzzlement. He thought the blond hated Todorok, but he defended him without hesitation.

The explosive boy raised his brows. He hadn't realized how much he cared until Todoroki was leaving, but Bakugo was surprisingly enjoying rooming with both Midoriya and the heterochromic boy. Even though he may act like he hates them, he did enjoy their company. "I just don't want him to go home to that shitty father of his." Bakugo supplied and crossed his arms in a grumpy manor. "What about you, nerd?!"

     "I-I don't know. It was kind of fun getting to see another side of Todoroki, and it seemed like he was having more fun than usual. I mean- he tackled you this morning, he would never do anything like that in public. He seemed more comfortable and relaxed here, which was nice to see I guess." Midoriya answered with frowned brows of worry, Bakugo eventually nodding in agreeance.

    "Well we can't fucking do anything now. Endeavour would burn us to ashes if we even tried to convince him to let Todoroki stay here." Bakugo hit the pillow beside him angrily, causing it to light on fire from some of his sparks. He quickly patted it out, then groaned at he threw it across the room and into the small garbage bin. "This sucks." He muttered with a scowl on his face.

"Yeah." Midoriya agreed. "I just hope he's okay..." He trailed off as his eyes started to water. Bakugo noticed this and raised his eyebrows as he turned to look at the other.

Tears ran down Midoriya's face as he quietly sniffled. The only thing he could think about was the sports festival when Todoroki told him about some of his family life and how his father is harsh and uncaring. It wasn't fair. Someone so kind being treated badly because of high expectations.

     Bakugo watched in shock as the green-haired teen sat on his bed and silently cried, the only sound in the room being the odd sniffle. He's seen Midoriya break out bawling and sobbing lots, but never such a quiet and collected cry.

"Hey... it'll be fine. Icyhot is strong enough to look after himself, and we'll see him tomorrow anyways." The blond reassured as he stood up and awkwardly shuffled to the other bed, deciding on wrapping an arm around the crying boy's shoulder to form a side hug. What the blond didn't expect was for Midoriya to press his face into his chest and wrap both of his arms around him in a tight embrace.

Bakugo stilled from shock for a moment before he returned the hug and let Midoriya silently sob into his chest.

     This was gonna be a long 2 months.

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