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Bakugo stood in front of the dorms, his shaking hand resting on the doorknob. He wouldn't admit it, but he felt nervous to see Izuku and Shoto.

What if they were still upset after his outburst? What if they didn't want to date him again? What is he supposed to do if he's forced to watch Shoto and Izuku be a happy couple and act like nothing is wrong in front of everyone?  Thoughts and anxieties swirled through Katsuki's head as he wearily opened the front door and stepped inside.

"Yo, Bakugo!" Kaminari's voice sounded from the couch as the electric teen turned from his show to face the newcommer.

"Where've you been, dude?" Sero asked with raised eyebrows.

"You're lucky Aizawa-sensei didn't notice that you were gone!" Mina huffed from her spot on the couch.

Kirishma met Bakugo's eyes with silent worry, but he didn't say anything. Katsuki sent a cold glare towards the red head before he jerked his neck to face the ground and agressively stomped towards the stairs.

He made it to his room after a minute and angrily slammed his door behind him. Everything appeared to be in the same place as it was when he left, causing a sigh of releif to escape from his mouth. He didn't need people to have been messing up his perfectly-organized room while he was gone.

Sitting down on the bed, Katsuki took a deep breath and slouched over with his elbows resting on his knees. It was just now getting darker outside after his long walk back to UA. 'Shoto and Izuku will be going to sleep soon, so I'll wait to talk to them.' He justified in his head even though he deep down knew that it was just an excuse to give him more time before the storm hit.

With one last sigh, Katsuki kicked off his uniform and didn't bother putting on sleep clothes, opting to sleep in just his boxers for the night.


     Shoto softly groaned into the pillow on Izuku's bed with frustration. Katsuki had been gone for hours and neither of them had heard from him. He knew that he shouldn't have been worrying only after a couple hours, but he couldn't help it. He's been worrying about the blond since the moment he left through the door.

     The bi-coloured teen felt a gentle hand on his back, causing him to apathetically look up from the pillow. Izuku's tear stained face came into view with two steaming mugs with what looked like marshmallows overflowing from them in his hands. Shoto slowly sat up and gratefully took one of the mugs from his boyfriend. He was amazed at how the boy was able to function so properly after an event like that. Maybe he was used to Katsuki's antics?

     Taking a sip from the warm drink, Shoto hummed with satisfaction as the sweet taste of hot coca filled his mouth. He could feel the bed dip beside him and felt Izuku lean into his side.

     After a few minutes of sitting in silence, Shoto couldn't take the thought out of his head and decided to simply ask his green-haired boyfriend what was going on inside of his head.
"Izuku... are you worried about Katsuki?" He silently cursed in his head after the words slipped out from his mouth. Of course his boyfriend would be worried. There was lots to worry about right now. Katsuki leaving, Katsuki breaking up with them, Katsuki's safety, whether Katsuki would want to talk to them at all, let alone getting back together. The thought of being short a member of their peculiar relationship didn't feel right to Shoto. He needed all three of them to feel complete.
     A sniffle beside Shoto caused his eyebrows to raise as he turned slightly to look at Izuku who had big tears running down his reddened face. Shoto hesitantly wrapped his arms around the boy in an awkward side-hug as a somewhat form of comfort.

     The two stayed in the awkward hug for a few more minutes before Izuku squeezed Shoto's middle one last time and pulled away.

"T-thanks." Izuku paused. "I'm really worried about Katsuki, but I know that he can take care of himself." He added with furrowed brows. Shoto felt a sharp pant in his chest at the realization that Izuku had called Katsuki 'Katsuki.'

Shoto felt bad that he couldn't be there for his boyfriend. He was supposed to be a tough hero and instead was crying over a breakup. His father would skin him alive if he found out that his pathetic feelings were getting the best of him.

"I think the best course of action would be to sleep for the night and see if he comes back in the morning. Maybe we can talk then." Izuku suggested as the wavering in his voice slowly calmed. Shoto looked at his logical boyfriend with nothing but fondness. He loved how Izuku always knew what to say and do at the right time.
     "Yeah." 'Hopefully he does come back.' Shoto wanted to add, but he decided to leave it. Worrying wouldn't help.

     Both boys laid down in Izuku's bed after and Shoto reached over to turn of the bedside lamp, leaving the room in total darkness.
     "Goodnight, Izuku." Shoto whispered to his already asleep boyfriend.


     Izuku woke up slowly this morning. Usually he'd go for a run after waking up, but his legs felt like jello and his head was pounding from all the crying he did last night. Also, the thought of leaving Shoto alone right now didn't sit right with him at the moment.

After 20 minutes of Izuku gazing at the ceiling, he felt his boyfriend shift beside him. Shoto groaned and rolled over to face Izuku as he cracked his eyes open. The boy groggily studied the greenette's face for a moment before he closed his eyes and shoved his face back into his pillow. Izuku chuckled at Shoto's morning attitude before sitting up and stretching his back.
"Do we have to get up? It's so comfortable in your bed." Shoto groaned into the pillow while shaking his body lazily.
"We probably should eat some breakfast after skipping dinner last night." Izuku hummed gently as he rubbed his hand on Shoto's arm comfortingly. "Our friends could cheer us up? I'm sure Iida and Uraraka are worried, too." He added while resting his head on his thumb.
Shoto groaned once more before apathetically rolling onto his back and sitting up. "Do you think there will be any cold soba left from the other day?" He asked with tired, squinted eyes that made Izuku laugh.
"We can always check?"

"Alright. I will go."

I'm alive lol 🤭😰

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