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Katsuki kept running in the opposite direction of the school until his legs gave out and he fell to the ground. Surveying the area, the blond took note that he was in some sort of park. Trees covered most of the area along with a small river and path. Katsuki faintly remembered walking through this park a few times when he was younger with Deku.... shitty Deku. The thought of his ex-boyfriend caused Katsuki to angrily slam him fist onto the dirt below him. He missed Shoto and Izuku more than he liked to admit, but they broke his trust and lied to him.

Looking up from the dirt, Katsuki could see a person walking along the path through his wattery eyes. He agressively rubbed the tears out of his eyes and looked back at the person in suprise. Inko, Izuku's mother was walking down the park path with a large abundance of grocery bags balancing in her hands. She looked as if she were about to topple over any minute from the weight.

Katsuki sighed and got up from his spot on the ground, and even though his legs were screaming in pain, he huffed and trudged over to the women and picked up some of the grocery bags from her arms. He wordlessly fell into step with her and followed her in the Midoriya home.

"O-oh! Hello Katsuki! What are you doing in the park so late? Isn't your school on the other side of town?" Inko asked with widened eyes. When Inko didn't get an answer, she decided that she would talk to him once back at her house.


Katsuki helped Inko lift the grocery bags onto her kitchen table and made a turn to leave. Before he could start walking back to the door, he was gently grabbed on the shoulder.

"Katsuki, would you mind staying for a cup of tea with me?" She asked him with a small smile that the blond couldn't say no to. He sighed before trudging to the small sofa in room and plopping down in it while waiting for Inko to start the tea. The green-haired woman took his remainder inside as a cue to start a pot of tea for the two of them.

They both stayed silent as Inko prepaired two mugs of steaming matcha tea. She then carried the cups over to the sitting room and passed one of the mugs to Katsuki before taking a seat beside him. Neither of them spoke for a few minutes, and Katsuki having felt more calm than he had all day; sank further into the soft plush of the sofa cushions.

"Thank you for visiting me, Katsuki. Izuku's been so busy with his hero training recently that he hasn't been able to visit very much." Inko said in a gentle voice that soothed Katsuki. It was nothing like his own mother's ear-splitting voice.

Katsuki only grunted in reply. The mention of his ex-boyfriend made him frown as memories of earlier flashed through his mind. Inko didn't seem to notice the change though, and if she did, she didn't react to it.

"So, how is school going? Are you doing well? Did you and Izuku make any new friends?" Inko started a conversation as she set her tea on the short table in front of them.

After an annoyed grumble, Katsuki answered. "Not really. I guess shitty hai- a guy named Kirishima is bearable enough to be around." He caught himself before cursing. Izuku's mother was not a fan of crude language.

"It's wonderful that you're making friends!" A large smile bloomed on Inko's face. She felt proud of Katsuki for making new friends in school. His old friends weren't very nice, but Inko had a feeling that his new ones were good people.

The room feel quiet again as Katsuki took a large gulp of his tea to push away his awkward feelings. Inko never new about him and Izuku's fighting or dating he assumed. She didn't know that they weren't talking at the moment and that the mention of his dorky ex-boyfriend made him want to scream and blow the nearest thing to pieces. Katsuki's jaw clentched as he thought about Izuku's confused face when he was yelling at him eariler. Did he not know that Shoto told Uraraka about them? No. Izuku and round face were best friends. She would have talked to him about it.

Katsuki felt a gentle hand be placed on his sparking fist. He didn't even notice that he was emmitting bursts of orange and yellow sparks from his palms until he opened his fist back up. Inko held the tips of his fingers in her hand as she watched him with worried eyes.

"Is something bothoring you, Katsuki?" She asked in a soft voice. When the boy didn't answer her, she asked again. "I'm here for you if you want to talk about it, dear."

Katsuki fought the tears that threatened to spill from his eyes, not wanting to show any vulnerability. It was too late though as a stray tear fell down his cheek, and Inko gasped and wiped the water gently from his face. That was the breaking point for the blond, and big ugly tears began to stream from Katsuki's eyes as he let out a strangled sob. Inko immediately wrapped her arms around the boy and held him close to her, gently rubbing his back as he cried into her shoulder.

"Oh Katsuki..." She said sympathetic voice. Whatever the boy was going through, she would do her best to help him get through it. 

Katsuki sniffled one last time before aggresively rubbing his eyes and nose. He backed away from his godmother as took another swig on tea, finishing the rest in his cup.  Katsuki could feel Inko's worried eyes scanning him for any sign of emotion. 

"Whatever is going on dear, I'm sure it will all work out. In my experience, communication in key when dealing with worries or insecurities." The greenette gave the boy a soft pat on the shoulder. Katsuki unconsiously leaned into the warm touch before he abruptly stood up. It was probably past curfew and he would most likely get caught if he didn't get back soon.

"Thanks, auntie." The blond mumbled and flashed Inko a subtle smile that caused tears to swell in her eyes. She couldn't beleive how different and kind the firey boy was becoming. Those new friends must be pretty good to have uncovered Katsuki's softer side. 

Katsuki stood up from the couch with his cup in his hand and set it beside the sink for Inko to wash. He walked down and hall, and as his hand was just opening the door, it suddenly barged open. Katsuki jumped back and raised ready-to-blow palms towards the door.

"Oh ho! I am sorry my dear boy! I didn't mean to startle you!" 

Katsuki's mouth fell open as he met eyes with none other than All Might standing on his childhood friend's doorstep. 

"All Might?! The hell are you doing here?!" He snarled before remembering that Izuku had told him about the ex-hero's visits. 

"Kastuki Bakugo! I do not tollerate that type of language under this roof!" Inko huffed as she walked down the hall to face All Might. "I'm very sorry for him, Toshi."

Katsuki's mouth fell even more agape at the nickname his auntie had just called his teacher and idol! 

"It's quite alright, Inko-san! Katsuki is working on his language in school as we speak, though it seems to slip out at times. Apologies." All Might gave a wink to Kastuki, blindly lying to Inko to save Katsuki from a heavy lecture on the importance of appropiate words to and not to use. 

"Maybe you should double the classes then..." Inko mummbled before she grabbed All Might's arm and pulled him deeper into the house. "Well, thank you for stopping by Katsuki! I'll see you soon. Tell Izuku I say 'hi' too!" She shouted to Katsuki as he closed the door behind himself and began his long treck back to UA. He was thankful that All Might hadn't asked why he was so far from the school after curfew, though he might get some questions tomorrow. 

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