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Katsuki roughly massaged the nape of his neck as he crept down the stairs towards the kitchen. He didn't particularly want to run into anyone just yet, especially Izuku or Shoto, so he was trying to be as nonchalantly inconspicuous as possible.

Entering the dining area, Katsuki took note of the sat-out leftovers, dishes in the sink, and food chunks on the floor. He shook his head with disappointment at the disaster and began cleaning the floor. He was absent for one night and the entire kitchen had gone to shit.

    After done cleaning the dishes, curiosity got the best of Katsuki, so he opened the lid covering the suspicious-looking pot and jolted back with disgust.
     Whatever mush was in there wasn't edible.

     The blond covered his scrunched nose with his shirt and squeamishly dumped the 'leftovers' into the rubbish bin. He hastily then put the pan in the sink to let it soak in hot water before moving on to the next task at hand; making breakfast before the 20 hungry 'children' awoke. Something simple like American-styled eggs with toast would suffice.

     When the food was almost finished, Katsuki could hear the two pairs of footsteps making their way down the stairs. He glanced at the clock and to the entrance of the kitchen with confusion. It wasn't even 6:30 yet. His classmates didn't usually wake until at least 7, which always gave him plenty of time to have the food ready.

     Bakugo waited for the footsteps to near the kitchen before he turned around just in time to see Kirishima and Kaminari walk through the doorway while conversing in hushed voices.

When Kirishma's eyes met Katsuki's, he momentarily froze while Kaminari greeted him like usual. He hadn't expected the blond to be in the kitchen cooking after the previous night. Then again, it was Katsuki Bakugo after all.

     "Bakugo! Hey bro! How's your morning going?" Kirishima tried to imitate an enthusiastic tone as best as he could, though it came out more strained than anything.

     "Fine. Just fuck off before you two contaminate the food." Katsuki grumbled as he stirred the eggs around the pan. He was still pissed as Kirishima for invading his personal life. So much as being in the same room as the redhead made his blood boil, let alone having him in the kitchen where he needed all of his focus on not burning breakfast. Maybe blowing him to bits in training tomorrow would fix that, though.

     "Sure thing, Kacchan. We'll let you have your oh-so-special kitchen solitude." Kaminari mocked as he strode out of the kitchen and plopped onto the couch. The electric teen didn't seem to notice the different vibe in the room, but if he did, he thankfully didn't say anything about it. Katsuki for once felt grateful for the boy's dense nature. He didn't want the entire class to find out about his personal problems because Denki couldn't keep his mouth shut.

     Katsuki turned back to the stove to flip the bread toasting in the pan but felt confusion and suspicion wrack his body when he didn't hear the second set of footsteps leave. Glancing behind him, Katsuki met eyes with Kirishima who was still leaning against the counter with his eyebrows awkwardly scrunched together.
     "The hell you want, shitty hair?" He grumbled between the uncomfortable air in the room. Talking about his mistakes at 7 in the morning with his best friend who he was royally pissed at was not on his to-do list for the day.
     "About last night..." Kirishima trailed off, only raising the tension with his hesitance to kill the elephant in the room.

     Katsuki sighed. Of course he wanted to talk about the previous night now. Kirishima couldn't function throughout the day properly if something was on his mind. He had learned that after lashing out at the boy for being clumsy in training one day. Turns out that the redhead was only stressed after visiting his non-immediate family that passed weekend and needed someone to vent to about it.

     "We'll talk in my room after I get these dipshits fed for the morning." Katsuki huffed angrily while roughly pushing the eggs around the pan. They pale-yellow mush looked perfectly fluffy by now, so he quickly turned the burner knob off and pushed the pan to the back of the stove top.
     Kirishima nodded with a solemn expression before turning and wordlessly exiting the kitchen.

      Katsuki was still pissed at his friend, but he was still his closest friend no matter the circumstance. One day of guilt seemed like enough for him to realize his mistake. Also, Katsuki wouldn't admit it, but he did miss the comfortable feeling around his best friend.


     After finishing making breakfast, Katsuki dished himself a small plate and hastily went up to his room where Kirishima would eventually meet him. He didn't want to see Izuku's weary eyes or Shoto's cold stare at breakfast. It would only make the air awkward and suffocating for the others if he was there.

     When Katsuki was halfway finished his plate, a hesitant knock sounded from the door. "Shitty hair?" Bakugo called to make sure it was him rather than any of his other classmates. After getting a barely-audible 'yeah' from behind the door, Katsuki slumped up from his desk chair and trudged over to the door, taking a deep breath before opening it to let his friend in.

     Without meeting the redhead's eyes, Katsuki moved back to his desk and picked his fork up to continue eating.

Kirishima closed the door behind himself and sat on Katsuki's bed with his hands awkwardly resting on his lap. He wasn't exactly sure where to start with Katsuki. Where he had been all evening? Why he had even left in the first place? What made him blow up at them in the first place? Kirishima had thought that it was because of them pressuring him to go out on a double date, but Uraraka had claimed that it was all her fault for assuming the truth. Maybe it was a good mix of both?


     "Hey shitty hair... what the hell did those extras make for dinner last night?" Katsuki's question knocked Kirishima off guard. Of course he was trying to make the atmosphere more casual like always, even if he wouldn't admit it.

Kirishima couldn't help but let out a snort at his friends disgusted face. "M-Mina, Sero, and Denki tried to make curry, but apparently Sero added too much salt and Denki kept trying to add oyster sauce. No one was feeling manly enough to eat it, so the other girls ended up just buying a couple pizzas for everyone. Iida was so mad us, though." He laughed as he retold the story. The class representative's angry face flashed through his head, only causing him to laugh harder.

Katsuki shook his head with a frown on his face. "I can't leave for a single night without the kitchen going to shit." He mumbled behind the bite of egg and toast that he was chewing in his mouth.
     "Yeah." Kirishima chuckled.

     The room fell back into an awkward silence, neither teen knowing how to smoothly transition into the heavy talk.
"So... did you-"

"I fucked up. Like really fucking bad, Kirishima." Katsuki interrupted the readhead in a shaky voice that took him off guard. "I'm a terrible boyfriend, and I ruined my relationship 'cause of my shitty temper." He shouted as he threw his fork against the half-finished plate angrily. "I messed up and I have no idea how to fix everything. Izuku and Shoto might even want it to be just them in a relationship anyways. They are perfect for each other compared to me."

Kirishima felt his heart snap at the amount of vulnerability his friend was showing. It was rare for the blond to reveal his true emotions instead of masking them with anger, and he wasn't exactly sure how to handle him without having his head unintentionally blown off.

Katsuki grabbed a fist full of his hair and tugged lightly to relieve some of the tension in his body. He felt like his eyes were on fire from the hot, salty tears that were starting to spill from his eyes.
"Kirishima... what do I do?" The blond's voice sounded rough and broken as he spoke.

The redhead froze slightly. Katsuki Bakugo was asking him what to do. "Well, I think the manliest thing to do here is to apologise, Bakugo. After that you should work out your next course of action based on their reactions." Kirishima's voice came out slow as he tried to come up with the right words to sound helpful rather than accusing. He already knew that Midoriya would forgive his childhood friend based on his reaction from the pervious night. Todoroki would probably forgive and trust him again after a while, though Kirishima couldn't be certain about that.

He just hoped that everything would work out between his best friends.

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