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     "Welcome home, Shoto. You have 10 minutes to unpack your things before training." Endeavour instructed with a calm tone. Todoroki rolled his eyes as he ignored the man and made his way to his room.

The heterochromic boy sighed as he began unpacking the little things he had from UA, hiding the sweaters in the back of his closet so his father wouldn't be able to find them. He pulled some jeans and a button up out of his closet and quickly changed, glad no one noticed that he was wearing such casual clothes on his walk home.

With 5 minutes to spear, Todoroki sat on his bed and decided to check his phone for any messages. There was only one text from Midoriya, which he opened with raised brows. It's barely been a half hour since I left. Did I forget something? Todoroki read the kind message sent from his friend.

     Message from: Midoriya

Hi Todoroki!! Kacchan and I just wanted to make sure you got home okay! It must be nice to get to sleep in your own bed now haha! We miss you already! :)

The heterochromic boy frowned. He felt a lot lonelier without getting to be with his friends almost 24/7. Not getting to see Midoriya's kind smile or hear Bakugo's insults made life feel dull and less exciting. He missed the others too, but his roommates- well, ex-roommates were different than the rest of the class, though he couldn't pinpoint why exactly.

Todoroki's expression fell back into his usual emotionless face as he stood up and made his way into the training room a minute early.

This would be exhausting.


The next day at school, Todoroki came in later than usual. Midoriya watched with furrowed brows as the heterochromic boy sat down in his seat with an expressionless face as per usual. Aizawa suddenly walked in through the door and instructed for everyone to complete a pop quiz before the end of class. Majority of the students groaned as he handed out the papers, then went back to his desk to fall asleep.

     Midoriya took one last glance at Todoroki before he faced his quiz and began writing the answers to questions.

It was silent for the rest of class until the bell signalled that it was time for lunch and everyone made their way to the cafeteria. Midoriya was going to wait for Todoroki to talk to him, but the boy was already rushing from the class. He looked to be in a hurry, which was confusing since the heterochromic boy usually took his time to leave so the halls weren't as full.

Midoriya suddenly decided to chase after him, calling his name as he did so. Todoroki sped up a bit, but didn't run which lead to Midoriya catching up to him. "Todoroki-kun, are you okay?" He asked as he was catching his breath.

"Hm? Oh, I'm fine. Just going to eat lunch alone today." Todoroki replied with his usual monotone voice as he began to walk away. Midoriya quickly grabbed his arm in a panic, and turned the other to face him. Todoroki winced in pain and pulled his arm away.

Midoriya's eyes went wide at this. "Are you okay? Do you need to go to recovery girl?!" He asked with a raised voice of worry. Todoroki's eyes widened aswell as he put his hand over the other boy's face to make him quiet.

"Shh. It's nothing too serious." He supplied in a hushed tone. "I just hurt my wrist when I was training yesterday...." Todoroki trailed off as Midoriya worriedly looked down at his wrist which was being held defensively by his other hand.

     "Why don't you want recovery girl to fix your wrist? Then it wouldn't hurt anymore." The green-haired teen asked with frowned brows. He was worried. Ever since they spoke at the sports festival, Midoriya has worried a lot about Todoroki.

     "That might make him more upset. If he didn't want me to be healed and I was, that would cause problems. But if I got healed and he didn't want me to, I could always say recovery girl was busy." Todoroki answered in his emotionless voice.

     "You thought about this a lot." Midoriya pointed out with a bit of admiration, but mostly worry. "I don't want you to get hurt, Todoroki. You're my friend and I care about you." He continued speaking with a desperate expression. The two were lucky that no one had walked by yet, that would be embarrassing.

     "It's fine. I can take it." Todoroki simply replied before he began walking away again, Midoriya not chasing after him this time.


     Bakugo walked into the dorm with a confused expression. Midoriya wasn't in class that afternoon, which was odd since he's never missed a class without reason before. He went straight to his dorm, ignoring the calls from his friend asking him to hang out.

When he opened the door to his room, the blond's eyes immediately fell upon Midoriya's bed and the small green fluff peaking out from under the covers.

"Deku? Why weren't you in class this afternoon? The fucking extras we're worried about you. It was annoying." Bakugo said with irritation. When the other didn't answer, he stomped over and ripped the sheets off of him, revealing a curled up Midoriya with puffy, tear-stained cheeks. His eyebrows frowned with confusion before he decided to shake the boy awake.

"K-Kacchan?" Midoriya's eyes fluttered open, revealing them to be red and bloodshot from crying.

"You missed class, nerd." Bakugo pointed out as he sat down on his own bed. The other's eyes to widened as his mouth made an 'o' shape from the news.

"Sorry. I was just upset, but I'm okay now." Midoriya gave a weak smile to the blond before sitting up in bed and stretching.

Bakugo sighed. "What did that half n' half bastard say to you?" He suddenly asked with a raised voice, completely startling the other.

     "W-what do you mean, Kacchan?" Midoriya tried to cover up the truth, but after knowing the green-haired boy since they were kids, Bakugo could clearly see the fib.

"Don't fucking lie to me, Izuku." Midoriya almost died right then and there. Bakugo rarely called him by his last name even, so his first name startled him. It wasn't bad or anything, just unexpected. It meant he was being serious. "It's about his dad or whatever, right?" Bakugo was spot on like usual.

     "Yeah... it's not my place to tell, but I don't like Todoroki being at home." Midoriya finally answered with a worried expression, causing Bakugo's hard exterior to lightly falter.

     The blond knew that the heterochromic boy's father was awful, but hearing the concern from Midoriya made it sound even worse.

"We can talk to him about it tomorrow if you really care. If he doesn't talk, I'll just go over and blow his dad to bits, end of story." Bakugo then left, quite forcibly closing the door behind him and causing the green-haired boy to flinch.

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