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Todoroki stood in the room with a frown on his face. He couldn't believe how Bakugo reacted towards them. Maybe he was too selfish only thinking about what Izuku wanted? He wasn't fair to Katsuki. They pressured him when he wasn't ready.

"What if Kacchan leaves forever?!" Izuku sobbed as he clung to Shoto's arm for acomfort.

     "He won't."  Shoto comforted his green-haired boyfriend and sat him down on the couch with one last peck on the check before he started up the stairs to find Katsuki .


Ochako carefully ascended the stairs to the roof as she heard commotion and banging at the top. She was on her way to the kitchen to grab some snacks for herself and the other girls for their slumber party, but the loud stomps going up to the top caused her to turn around and head in the direction of the roof stairs. Ochako looked out the roof door window and gasped at the sight. Bakugo was standing at the edge of the roof, looking down at the ground as if he were about to jump.

Ochaco quickly flung the door open and shouted for him not to jump, only to receive a confused glare in return.
"The hell you on about, round face?" Bakugo asked with a snarl on his face that almost hid his reddened eyes. When the brunet didn't answer, he huffed. "I'm not gonna fucking jump, you idiot. I was looking at those damned ducks in the pond." He added.

Ochako cautiously stepped to the edge of the roof and looked down to see that there were indeed ducks in the fountain pond. "Oh. I didn't know you liked ducks, Bakugo." She hummed thoughtfully before backing away from the edge to not fall.

"Whatever, fuck face."

The two heros-in-training stood in silence, gazing out at the horizon. Ochako turned to the blond with an inquisative look as she took notice of his tense shoulders. The girls heard yelling downstairs earlier but didn't think anything of it. Maybe- no, Bakugo definately had something to do with it.

Ochako bit her lip and chose her next words carefully. "Uhm- Bakugo...." She started, receiving an annoyed sigh and mummble of curses in reply. Ochako took that as a sign to continue speaking. "Did you, Todoroki and Deku get into a fight or something..? I'm pretty sure I heard you three fighting earlier." She asked cautiously.

Bakugo seemed to flinch at the mention of Deku and Todoroki, then went back to his tense stance. Ochako raised her brows at the rare flash of vulnerability. "What's it to you, cherry cheeks?!" The blond sneered as he crossed his arms, though he still made no move to leave or push Ochako away.
     "Do you wanna talk about it? I'm sure this is just a big misunderstanding, Bakugo-kun!" She offered him with a reassuring smile, though Bakugo only seemed to close off more.

"What makes you think I wanna tell your nosey-ass self?!"

Ochako stood in silence, not having an exact answer to why Bakugo should open up to her besides the fact that she would listen. "Do you want me to get someone else like Kirishma or Deku?" She wondered if maybe he would talk to someone else if not herself. Bakugo huffed at the mention of their two classmates, causing Ochako's eyes to widen with surprise. He usually didn't mind Kirishma and was seemingly nicer to Deku recently. Even Todoroki seemed to be on the list of people he didn't absolutely desbise. Then it clicked. She knew that Kirishima had a girlfriend, and it seemed like Bakugo had two boyfriends as well.

"Did you, Deku and Todoroki break up?" Ochako felt the words fall out of her mouth before she could stop them and smacked her hand over her mouth. Bakugo turned to Ochako with wide eyes of shock before his expression turned to a sneer.

"WHO THE FUCK TOLD YOU WE WERE TOGETHER?!" He yelled at her, his face holding anger and some other emotion that she couldn't decipher.
"N-no one, really! Todoroki and I were talking the other night but-" She couldn't finished her words before the blond suddenly pushed past her and began sprinting down the stairs. Ochako could barely catch up; he was so fast.

Had he not heard the first part where no one told her and she guessed?

Ochako ran after Bakugo and was one flight above when she could hear shouting from inside the common room. Slamming through the door, Ochako was met with Deku sobbing and Todoroki distantly looking to the floor with wide eyes, but no Bakugo.

"Are you okay guys?" Ochako ran to the boys with furrowed brows of worry. It was now that she noticed Kirishima was also in the room with his hand pressed against his forehead, looking even more stressed than she was at the moment. When she didn't get an answer Ochako took off running outside in hopes that she could still find Bakugo somewhere, though he was nowhere to be found.

When she went back inside, Ochako was met with Kirishima pacing back in forth across the room, his hand still on his forehead. Walking closer, she could hear him muttering curses under his breath.
Ochako put a hand on his shoulder and turned the redhead to face her. "What did he say, Kirishima?" She asked him seriously.

"He..... he broke up with Midoriya and Todoroki because of me." Kirishma answered, but after he spoke, his eyes widened. "Shoot- I wasn't supposed to-" He paused and looked like he was thinking something over. "You didn't hear that."

Ochako's eyes widened. "This is all my fault! I shouldn't have said anything to Bakugo!" She cried, putting her hands up to cover her face. Ohcako had just ruined her best friends' relationship. 

"Uraraka-san, what did you say to Bakugo?" Todoroki suddenly spoke up with un unreadable expression on his face that caused Ochako to freeze in place. He didn't seem mad; more like lifeless. It looked as though the bi-coloured boy had the life and joy sucked out of him. 

"W-well I asked i-if you, Deku-kun and him were together a-and I think he thinks y-you told me." Her lips were quivering as she answered. Ochako felt terrible for saying anything at all and hurting her friends. 

Todoroki sighed and rubbed his eyes with the hand that wasn't holding the now sleeping Midoriya as he assessed the situation. Bakugo thought that he told other people about their relationship and felt betrayed. He could understand why that would upset the blond, but he hadn't even talked to him and Izuku about it and instead shouted at them. Todoroki felt urged to go after and search for his firey boyfriend, though he knew he would need time to calm down first. He hoped that Katsuki would forgive them after they talked. 

Shoto told Kirishma and Uraraka that he was taking Izuku to bed so they could rest and hopefully talk to Bakugo in the morning. As he walked up the stairs with his sleeping boyfriend awkwardly snuggled up to him in his arms, Shoto couldn't help but worry if Katsuki was somewhere warm and safe. The nights were starting to cool down, and he remembered that the blond had left wearing a t-shirt. Shoto hoped that he would be okay, even if it was just one night.

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