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     Bakugo woke up to an empty bed, the lack of warmth causing him to shiver. It was pretty early- around 6am- and his boyfriends were already up and going. He felt a wave of sadness wash over himself while thinking about how they both left him to wake up alone. Bakugo shook the thoughts out of his head and got dressed in his jogging clothes before heading out the door to go for a run.

As the blond was nearing the common room, he could hear light chit chat and laughter, causing him to groan. He assumed it would be his idiot friends messing around but was surprised to see his boyfriends talking with Kirishima instead. Bakugo felt a pang of jealously hit his chest at the sight of his boys mingling with another man, even if that man is their loyal straight friend that was taken.
It seemed like they were talking about something exciting, so the blond chose to join them and listen for a bit before he trained.

Bakugo strode over to the three and plopped down next to Todoroki with his usual scowl on his face. The bi-coloured boy's mouth formed into a barely noticeable smile from the warmth that the blond provided for him.

"Oh, hey Bakubro! What's up?" Kirishima greeted his friend with a cheery smile, the brightness of his shark-like teeth causing Bakugo's scowl to deepen.
     "What's it to you, shitty hair?!" The blond sneered with a death glare. He wasn't sure why he was so mean to Kirishima, especially when the redhead was the only extra he could stand being around before blowing something to bits. Maybe he was simply inconvenient while the others were highly bothersome? It didn't matter.

"Chiiill, bro. I was just being friendly." Kirishima gave his signature grin that could brighten any room except for the one Bakugo was in. He'd already decided that he wasn't in the mood to be provoked today.

     Todoroki set his hand on Bakugo's knee out of habit when they were sitting next to each other, causing the blond to flinch and desperately check his peripherals to make sure no one was watching. It was just them four, but Bakugo still brushed the other's slender hand off of his leg in fear of an extra infiltrating their comfort.
A flash of hurt flickered in Todoroki's eyes before he went back to a neutral expression and re-focused his attention the conversation.

     "Oh yeah! We were thinking about planning a double date this afternoon, Kacchan. We were thinking about going for a picnic in the park or going to a soba shop." Bakugo stiffened at the thought of going out in public so vulnerably; the whole world getting insight on his personal life. Izuku noticed the sudden change in the grumpy teen and began to have second guesses on his suggestion. "-t-that is o-only if you w-want to, Kacchan!" He quickly squeaked out to not pressure the blond.

     Izuku wasn't sure why he was so nervous around Katsuki anymore. Even with dating the explosive boy, he couldn't seem to shake to uneasiness he felt when he would yell or shout at someone.
     Izuku couldn't help but think about middle school and how the blond would bully and tease him. It still hurt to think about, but Izuku knew that he was changing for the better and chose to leave the topic for the time being.

     Shoto could see the hesitance weld in Katsuki's eyes at the question. He knew part of the blond didn't want to let them down, but another part of him wanted to keep their relationship completely private with little people knowing. It didn't exactly bug Shoto to keep their status on the down low, but he knew Izuku wanted to go out with them on a regular date and was willing to do just about anything for the little brocoli boy.

     "Yeah, Mairii's really excited to meet you all!" Kirishima flashed another smile towards Bakugo which only angered the blond even more. He almost felt pressure to say yes just from the looks he was receiving from his boyfriends, and Kirishima was only making it worse.
"So, will you go with us?"

Bakugo clenched his teeth before letting out a cold 'no' from his mouth. He didn't even know he could be so civil yet firm with other people since he usually just yelled to get his point across. It almost scared him.

Izuku's eyes started to water at the harsh response, though Bakugo couldn't seem to care how his boyfriend was feeling at that very moment.
     "Please, Katsuki. It would mean a lot to Izuku and I." Shoto turned to face the blond with pleading eyes behind the monotone expression,  but Bakugo couldn't bother caring about what he was thinking either.

"Come on, Bakubro! It's super manly to go in double dates!" Kirishima's plea threw him over the edge.
     Why the hell is shark teeth trying to tell him what to do? It's not his fucking job to harass and pressure him, not anyone job for that matter.

     Without thinking, Bakugo let sparks fly from his clenched fists and stormed out of the room. He could hear shouts from others asking him to go back and calm down but still kept moving upstairs.

     Bakugo slammed his bedroom door behind him before letting out a strangled scream. He was done with this shit.

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