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Uraraka sat in the common room with Iida while waiting for the rest of their classmates to show up for their weekly movie night. Tonight would be Todoroki's pick and no one had any idea on what kind of genre he liked. Most people assumed it would be a documentary of some sort because it matches his calm and quiet demeanour perfectly.

The class eventually began to file into the common room carrying fluffy blankets and wearing their pyjamas, choosing to sit on one of the three couches or the floor.

Uraraka surveyed the room, noticing that everyone was there expect for Bakugo, Midoriya, and Todoroki. She was about to get up to find them when there was shouting and small bangs erupting from the stairs.

Midoriya suddenly bolted into the room, followed by an angry Bakugo. "THEY CAN'T SAVE YOUR WEAK ASS, DEKU!" He yelled with a eyes if fury as he chased the other around the room, mercilessly sending small explosions towards him.

Todoroki walked in from the stairs enterence with his usual monotone expression. "Sorry we're late." He apologized and sat down on the floor away from the others but close enough to be a part of the group.

Uraraka turned to the heterochromic boy and gave him a questioning look, which he returned with a shrug. She turned back to see Kirishima and Kaminari attempting to hold down Bakugo while Iida was lecturing him on his unacceptable behaviour while waving his arms in a robot-like motion.

     Just another evening in the common room.

     Midoriya plopped down on the couch next to Uraraka, panting from the sudden chase. "What happened, Deku?" She asked with a worried gaze.

     "I- accidentally. Spilt. Grape. Juice. On. His. Carpet." Midoriya answered between wheezes.

"YOU BETTER CLEAN IT UP TOO!" Bakugo shouted and sat down on the other couch with his friends after he'd calmed down enough to not kill anyone.

"Oookaaayyyy! Why don't we start the movie? What are we gonna watch Todo?" Mina cut through the tension as she tossed Todoroki the tv remote to chose a movie. He looked down at the rectangular piece of tech and back up at the class.

     "Can we watch Frozen again?" Todoroki met eyes with Bakugo, silently asking the blond if he would help him put it on since he didn't know where to watch it.

"Again? I don't think we've ever watched it bef-"

"We're not watching the same movie twice you fucking psycho. At least wait more than a week." Bakugo interrupted Kaminari's comment, mumbling the last part. "There should be a second one, so we'll watch that." He stood up and stomped over to Todoroki, taking a seat on the floor beside him and snatching the remote that was resting loosely in his hands.

With a couple of clicks, the beginning of Frozen 2 started to play as the class got comfy in their seats. Bakugo got back up and sat in his original spot on the couch again, causing Todoroki to frown a bit from the lack of comfort the blond surprisingly emitted.

Soon enough, the movie ended and the end credits began to roll. Jirou and Kaminari were arguing about whether the ending was good or not, causing the whole class to join in and creating huge feud between everyone.

"Elsa obviously belongs with magic beings like herself. Just let the poor woman live with her people! She's been through enough already!" Mina shouted, earning a pillow to the face from Momo.

"She left her people putting Anna in charge, but has Anna trained or prepared for the position at all, ribbit?" Tsu asked to stump the others. You could only assume she trained for the position if you used logic, but movies can be weird sometimes.

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