chapitre 1 | new beginning

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“*sniff* w-what should i do…? i-if no one com—“

“HI !! are you ok??are you hurt anywhere?“

“hmm ?? “ who’s this? did he come to save me,,“my l-leg hurt *sniff* i don’t t-think i c-can move it !“

“i see, i’ll go get some help don’t move ok !“

“i can’t move even if i wanted to “

tsk, for someone who fall out of cliff you are full of energy. Just make sure the wolves won’t eat you !“

“ T-THERE’S W-W-WOLVES !! *sob*“

“they like cry babies like you so you better stop crying ! “



( ╹▽╹ ) ❤️🏐❤️  (눈‸눈)

“[MALE NAMEEEE] WAKE UP ALREADY !! Kei-kun and Tadashi-kun are waiting for you !! Do you wanna be late to you first day in high school ??!“









“  YOU SLUMBEG WAKE UP !. “ was the last thing [male name] -didn’t- hear before the blanket was thrown away.

His right eye seemed to crack open.

But he closed it.again.

Like nothing happend.

Mrs.[last name] was used to her son’s deep sleep by now ,she didn’t consider it sleeping anymore , she used the term hypnonanalysis .

So does everyone who knows [male name] , and they all know that there’s one way to wake him up.

The discovery came from alot of experiences to try to wake him up and endless bets.

Using water , fire alarms , screaming…,you name it. they tried it all.

“ bring her in.“ said Eiko [last name], letting a tired sigh.

Why does she even try if he won’t wake up anyway.

After all she had been over this 16 years ago , when she almost had a heart attack when her new born child didn’t wake up from his first ever nap, no matter how hard she tried to wake him up.

To be fair the doctor was shocked as well , and to say the nurses setting bets of how long the lazy baby can sleep was getting intense was understanding.

idk what i am doing wrong?  [tsukishima kei x male reader]Where stories live. Discover now