chapitre 7 | You know me better than i do

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hellowwww everyone i hope you're doing fine i just wanted to apologise if this one was poor written and long i promise to do better from now on, thank u for your time and pls~~ enjoy!




"Do you think i'll get accepted in Karasuno?"

Tsukishima turned his head to face his friend. What is he belbaling about?

Setting in a bench at the usual parc, it was one of those last few days of middle school. [Male name] suggested to hang out before going home and Kei didn't mind given the fact that [Male name] was acting weird.

Yamaguchi had to go early that day too.

It was only the two of them.

"What are you talking about? Of cours you'll. You can get accepted at any school if only you-"

"No... i meant with the team, with the people there. Do you think things will be different?..." [Male name] said with expressionless face looking at the sunset before them as the wind moved his hair out of his eyes.

His blank pretty eyes.

Tsukishima sighed, he wasn't bothered. He was just glad that [Male name] finally spoke what was on his mind, that he finally stopped faking being alright.

"I...I honestly don't know" He answered looking the same direction [Male name] was staring.

The sight was beautiful, very peaceful but the boy beside him wasn't feeling the same way.

For [Male name] the red and orange sky was burning to dust, it was turning black after being bright for the whole day.

The sky was fading to her dark night color. Just like him.

Burn out.

"But..." Tsukishima kept going surprising [Male name] who decide to finally make eye contact with him for the first time since they arrived "No matter what'll happen i'll be there too so you're not alone"

And the reply he got was enough to vanish any troubleness or doubts in him.

The genuine smile that Kei gave him was beautiful from this view, from any view.

He was right there was no need to worry, he wasn't alone.

Kei was by his side. That was enough.

( ╹▽╹ ) ❤️🏐❤️ (눈‸눈)

"...Is what a setter is for" Kageyama announced standing beside Hinata showing his support. He wasn't alone anymore.

[Male name] smiled at that sight, it was nice to know that you weren't alone and that there was someone to depend on. He was happy for Kageyama to finally found his person.

idk what i am doing wrong?  [tsukishima kei x male reader]Where stories live. Discover now