Chapitre 10

498 19 13


"You're finally here~~!"

The girls cheers and yelles echoed through the gym, making [Male name] want to cover his ears from the high pitched voices. But that didn't matter at the moment as the fact that this, this guy that just showed up was the one who he had been waiting for to arrive.

Oikawa Tooru, an offensive-based setter who's famouse by his strong attacks, and being hardworking captain, that what [Male name]'s knew but apparently he was also famous for other things too...

"He also has an incredibly bad....personality" Kageyama added, after finishing explaining his relationship with the brunette.

"Enough of one to make even you say that?!" Hinata exclaimed back surprised.

"Probably even worse than Tsukishima's"

"That horrible!"

"So that means.... [Male name]-kun is the only one who can deal with him!" Hinata shouted pointing at the (h/c) haired boy.

"E-Eh? What's that supposed to mean...?!" [Male name] blinked at the sentence very confused.

"Ooooh! I see what you mean Hinata! This dude is like a bastard magnet" Tanaka joined Hinata's statement nodding along.

"What they're talking about???" [Male name] confusion grew more as he looked beside him at the tall blond boy asking for an explanation who only shrugged at him as respond, he also silently agreeing with what Tanaka and Hinata just said.

Tsukishima wasn't unaware of [Male name] concerning taste in people or things, starting with Shishamo the gloomiest cat he had ever seen. Yet for [Male name] it was exactly what made her cute, 'charm' was the word he used.

How did it go again...

"[Male name]!! you moron! Don't just jump in the river you seriously could've got hurt!!"

"But Kei i couldn't just leave the kitty stuck there! Look at how scared she is!" Said a very wet [Male name], his small body covered in dirt and scratches.

That's how Shishamo and [Male name] first fated meeting went.

Kei still remember the cat's face from that day. She was unfazed.

She wasn't scared in the slightest.

If anyhting she looked annoyed by [Male name] help, she didn't like being hold and she didn't make it easy for him to save her.

Her bored eyes and sharp gaze was remained still through [Male name] rescue when she was stuck in the running river in that specific rainy day few years ago.

And then there's him considering Kei his best friend from all the people too, even Kei himself didn't get why. He wasn't the brightest kid out there nor the nicest. Yet, again, for [Male name] that wasn't a problem at all.

Even though calling him a 'bastard magnet' was kinda absurd, it did the trick.

But, nevertheless to say he was glad, Tsukishima really couldn't and can't imagine how his life would've gone without meeting [Male name].

Without knowing [Male name].


It would've been dull and boring as hell.

It was then when the newcomer walked closer.

"Hey there~ Long time no see Tobio-chan~ You've really grown~" The guy that's known now as Oikawa sang waving at Kageyama with a smile interrupting the team, [Male name] could see right through this guy act of being a nice guy. That smile wasn't sincer at all.

idk what i am doing wrong?  [tsukishima kei x male reader]Where stories live. Discover now