chapitre 9

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Thursday finally came.

The day of the match against Seijoh.

[Male name] had thought that he was nervous.

He thought that he had it worse than his other teammates.

He really thought that.

Until he saw Hinata earlier that day.

[Male name] was on his way to get something to drink with his lunch, on his way down stairs he noticed a familiar mop of orange hair heading the same direction as his as he recognize him he decided to call for him and apparently he did a big mistake by doing that.

"Oh! Shouyo-kun i wa-"


"Shouyou-kun watch out for the-"



And this's how [Male name]'s trip to the vending machine turned out to the nursery instead.

Thankfully Hinata wasn't injured anywhere but mentally he wasn't anywhere near good he kept mumbling to himself how 'he won't be a failure', even when [Male name] tried to talk to him and calm him down Hinata ran away to the bathroom screaming how he won't miss things up today.

[Male name] Sighed remembering what happened earlier, stuffing his books inside his bag as the day ended ready to leave and meet the others infront of the school's gate where the bus was waiting for them. He was lacking his wonted energy to bolt out of class like usual, after carrying Hinata to the nurse office he was rather worn out.

But [Male name] knew he was only trying to win time to calm himself down before he goes to see him...

"OI!! [Male name]!!"

A sudden voice called him from behind as [Male name] was about to step out of class, whoever this person was he didn't only call for him but he also jumped on him and grabbed him from behind holding him in one place and almost chocking him.

"AHH!! AKI-KUN!? What the hell dude!?"

It was Akihiro, who was holding into [Male name] like his live depends on it.

"Sorry man if i didn't hold you you'll be out of sight in 0.3 sec!!" Akihiro defended his action apologetically. After all he was familiar with [Male name] speed when it comes to being out of class once the bell ring.

So for the sake of saying what he wanted to say Akihiro had been calculating and planning how he could talk with [Male name] before he ran off, he tried to do so earlier but [Male name] came back late from his lunch break.

And this was Aki only left option.

"I got it. I got it! So let go!" [Male name] yelled struggling to break from the tight grip. Aki finally let go of him after, looking rather impressed with his own physical strength.

Catching his breath, [Male name] turned around to glare at his friend who had a pleased smirk upon his face that was enough to irate [Male name] even more, Akihiro was looking too happy about this than he should he better give a good explanation.

Aki catched on his tall friend intense glare that made him realise the situation and immediately his smirk turned into a big grin instead.

"Don't look at me like that! You FLY out of class! If i didn't stop you i couldn't wish you a good luck on your match today! Try to enjoy yourself i'm rootin' for ya man!" Aki exclaimed giving his friend thumbs up.

idk what i am doing wrong?  [tsukishima kei x male reader]Where stories live. Discover now