chapitre 6 | Will you tell me the truth so i don't have to lie

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"Thanks again for driving me today Dad" [Male name] smiled fixing the car's seat belt.

"No problem~ Your mother did think of everything after all. She set 17 alarms for me to wake up early so i can help you" The dad laughed quietly recalling his wife's insistence on getting up this morning to drive [Male name].

"Pfff- That's very much like mom" He snorted, "But you almost gave me a heart attack when you said 'need a ride' out of nowhere!"

"Haha sorry about that. I thought it was a cool thing to say, like they do in movies"

[Male name] giggled at his father's response. After he was forcing his brain to come with solution for the 12 lunch boxes, his dad has surprised him with the car ride proposal, he was glad to take him on the offer.

And this's how [Male name]'s Saturday morning started.

Driving to school, he was met with the fresh smell of the early morning hours as the cold air refreshed him to his bones. At this point he was fully awake and ready to go, being grateful for living in Miyagi.

The ride was quiet. The silence wasn't awkward at all, it was comforting making them enjoying it as it is.

The rare times [Male name] seemed calm and relaxed like this were usually with his father. He was less talkative and more of listener, which was unusual for his chatterbox self.

He couldn't help it, his dad had this calming aura around him that he didn't get alot from other people. The few words his father would throw here and there were enough, and they balance the silence perfectly.

Unfortunately [Male name] didn't had chances like this often, because of his dad work circumstances he didn't get to spend alone time with him, just father and son.

He didn't know if his mother noticed that and planned this out or it was simply a coincidence. But he was thankful for it nonetheless.

They used to be so close in the past. It's not like they had a bad relationship now, they just drifted away as the years passed. That's why [Male name] wanted to cherish every moment he get to spend with his father.

Leaning his head on the passenger seat window staring, the sight of the passing road outside was only a background for his running thoughts.

Even so [Male name] had his head turned away from the driver, as his hair hided what has left showing from his face. Be sparing a glance at the reflection on the glass it was enough for his father to notice the troubled expression on his son's face.

"*Cough* Well this is nice, isn't? Spending time with my favorite son" He said clearing his throat, engaging a conversation hoping it will get the younger stop from overthinking.

After all this was his own method to bond with [Male name] since they were both bad at talking about their feelings, they made up for it by spending time together. They had alot of those 'only man adventures' which were mainly playing volleyball in the parc until dark and eating ice cream behind Eiko back. Still it was their own thing and he wouldn't trade it for the world.

[Male name] scoffed "I am your only son tho"

"You don't know that for sure..."

"*Gasp* DAD!"

"AHAHAHA kidding~ Kidding~" His father laughed even more at [Male name] mumbles of this being his worst joke so far. And he knew how bad his jokes were.

As the laughter died there was a brief off-beat silence after it, making [Male name] raise a brow. Hearing his father sad sigh only made him more concerned.

idk what i am doing wrong?  [tsukishima kei x male reader]Where stories live. Discover now