Chapitre 11

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What a beautiful day.

The sun was setting, the sky was clear; a mix of the most beautiful colors of the world.

As the bell that dismissed the day finally rang some students were happy to at last be able to meet their friends as others to join their club activities.

In class 1-5, only [Male name] seemed absent minded to notice what a marvelous day that was.

"See you later Akihiro! You too [Male name]!" A classmate waved goodbye at the two mentioned boys however, only Aki was paying attention and he was the only one who answered back before he turned back to his friend.

He had learned from the past few weeks he had been [Male name]'s seatmate and closest friend in class that is that [Male name] would never waste a mere second not to be in his club. And if he does, like today and like in a few times before, that meant something must've happened, and what bro would he be to leave his friend suffering alone.

Definitely not a cool bro.

"Yo [Male name]! The bell already rang!" Aki called waving his hand infront of the other one's face to get him to snap back out of his 'deep in thoughts' state.

"Hm...? Oh right..." [Male name] hummed quietly standing up, starting to put his stuff in his bag. Aki sighed shaking his head at the lake of enthusiasm he usually witnessed from the (h/c) haired boy and immediately started "What happened at lunch break [Male name]?" With a firm voice he crossed his arms demanding answers.

[Male name] shocked expression was enough evidence that in fact something did happen at lunch.

The 'How the fuck did he know?!' expression.

[Male name] honestly didn't know what was the dyed haired boy's powers that made him able to read him like an open book, after all he was confident that he was more than good at hiding his emotions trough all this years, it did work on almost everyone, well Aki wasn't one of them for sure.

He had two options: 1- To run out of the class as fast as he can, 2- To just give up and tell Aki what's on his mind.

If this was the [Male name] from a few months ago he would've already has bolted out of class refusing to open up and face his friend. But he was trying to change, especially if it was with Aki after all the boy was nothing but a good listener and supporter, [Male name] was able to call him a friend. It was still scary of course, yet he was more brave.

Hopefully, that is.

And so sighing, he looked at Aki with a pout showing him he was ready with whatever questions he had for him, Aki who seemed content with that was more than happy to start his interrogation.

"*Cough* Let's start from the beginning. You, [Last name] [Male name], was acting off since you came from lunch break when that girl called you, so that means that she either said something or someone else did, right?" Aki stated walking around [Male name] as if he was a special detective from a TV show, succeeding into making the perfect mood of the scene where he tries looking for a culprit in a great murder mystery.

"Pff— That do be correct." [Male name] snickered trying to act serious also playing his role as either a running criminal or a poor victime who was also looking for the suspect, and only time will define what his true role is.

"Was it another confession? That can't be, you've got confessed to thousands times before already and you didn't have the same reaction. So that means that...?... Hmmm that means that...... UGHH i dunno!" Aki groaned in frustration only making [Male name] fail to hold in his laugh, already feeling better he decided to play along with Aki a bit more.

idk what i am doing wrong?  [tsukishima kei x male reader]Where stories live. Discover now