chapitre 3 | idiots attract fellow idiots

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Tik tak, tik tak,

[male name] waited not so patiently, counting down for the bell to ring. 1 minute left, c'mon.

Shiking his leg back and forth repeatedly, and subconsciously mimicking the pace of the pendulum on his watch. He couldn't care less to what the theacher was saying, with all respect.

But his ears weren't able to pick anything other then the faint ticking noise coming from the clock.

Ughhh!! Why is it always the last 5 min of the class the slowest for some reason?!.

While [male name] was busy questioning the concept of time, the bell finally rang.

The soft melody that dismissed the first day of school.

The teacher should now wish a good evening to her students as she pack up her stuff preparing to leave, then the students should wish her the same. After that everyone say their goodbyes to their classmates. And they all leave, as well. That was the norm.

Not for [male name].

All he needed to hear was the first note of the bell to be out of class.

"Hi! [male name] i was think—" aki was about to ask his new friend right when the bell rang, just to found out he was talking to the wind. Looking left and right there was no sign of [male name] "where the hell did he go?! he was here literally 10 seconds ago!!", hell sensei didn't even get to finish her sentence!.

However by the sudden sound of the door sliding open followed by running footsteps, akihiro know it was without a doubt [male name] who left the classroom. Is he the super flash or sum? So freaking fast.

Leaving the teacher and the other students in complete shock and confusion. wondering 'why was he in such a hurry?'.

No. He didn't need to use the bathroom.

[male name] couldn't wait anymore to finally be able to see karasuno gym, to meet his team, to serve and receive.

He was just eager to play some volleyball!.

It's been on his mind all day, he was thinking about skipping and go take a look at the gym, but tsukki saw right through [male name]. And smacked some sense into him. Who in their right mind would skip on the first day?.

The answer is [male name].

( ╹▽╹ ) ❤️🏐❤️ (눈‸눈)

Running as fast as he could to the boys locker room, he miraculously dodged everyone on the hallway.

[male name] arrived safely there and quickly switched into his jersey and a hoodie, putting his outside door shoes on, he was off again.

Being able to hear his heart beating so fast in his chest, and feeling the adrenaline rushing through his veins. left him wondering if it was just the running symptoms or simply the enthusiasm he was in. nevertheless to say [male name] was in the clouds.

Finally, he glimpsed the sign he had been looking for. 'GYMNASIUM 2'.

[male name] slowed his pace until he stoped, panting heavily. The nervousness building in him was growing so fast to the point where he didn't even notice the tangerine looking boy standing right beside him infront the gym's entry, the shorter boy didn't seem to notice [male name] either.

They were both on their own little world, that they shared somehow.

[male name] was about to take a deep breath to calm his racing heart down before stepping inside preparing himself mentally in the process, to the door to be suddenly slammed open by whoever was beside him.

idk what i am doing wrong?  [tsukishima kei x male reader]Where stories live. Discover now